Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

a bug report being forwarded as a SUGGESTION?! WHAT THE…
im done.

Reports on Modern MBT armour protection have always been handled as suggestions: [Development] Reports concerning the protection of post-war combat vehicles - News - War Thunder

“Such reports will be treated as suggestions, not bugs or historical issues.”


I could curse and scream because that behaviour towards the community that trys to fix things is abysmal and disapointing i get why people stop doing bug reports or leave the game the treatment is just bad such a disapointment
yep and now trying to silence with flagging

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Most Realistic means its not to 100%, but the most realistic which is on the market


Will it be like the Abrams one where there is no changes to it

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You get your friend to flag your post then you blame me… dude…
Well, not me by name since my name has never been “razor” but you probably meant me.

Dude, if you & others are going to push hate toward all of us that want 2A7V to be correct, it’s not going to help discussion.

Excellent work, friend.
If true I do hope we get toward this.


Yes, this is why I provided this as feedback for the 2024 roadmap form.

At very least 2A7V protection should be on par with STRV122 (which irl it had greater frontal protection) it not complicate its common sense that 2A7V are heavier than any Leopard except PSO and need to decrease top speed to 61km/h for better acceleration why? they doing all that because to have weaker armor than predecessors? i don’t have idea what kind of source dev been using and why they refuse to show us the source they use


It has been RazorVon though, razor is just a shorthand for that old name.

No, it was RazerVon, named after Razer from Jak X Combat Racing.
And now it’s Alvis, an original name picked cause it sounds nicer & took me a few years to think of.

what do you mean “No”? i did write RazerVon? and “has been”, and people here are using the shorthand razer for your old name.

As promised here the armor at -20°

For some reason 2A7V has both a weaker hull and weaker turret armor

And here compared directly against the Swedish trials:


The Strv 122 doesn’t seem that far off – but it gets screwed over by the super weak mantlet armor.


I can only think of one reason ICD 10 F70


So that how staff doing to players that try to improve your game? really?


yap, this is “gaijin”


We don’t hate germany
We are open to everything
aNd BuGfIxEs ArE nOw A sUgGesTiOn…

bug reports about nato tanks in a nutshell


The bug reporting site is for reporting issues. Not for posting rants, ventilating frustrations or sarcasm.

We do not have many rules on the bug report site, but we do ask that it not be misused and abused as a venting platform. Reports should be kept clear, concise and to the point. We cannot forward a report that is full of off topic / flame to the developers to review. Users that do misuse the bug report site are subject to temporary bans for abusing the platform. Every report has to be reviewed and checked out by staff and developers. Dealing with rants takes time away from other reports.

Again, we appreciate the outcome of a given report may cause frustration, but it does not mean the report site should be misused for venting.


No but gaijin could stop with that double standards
“we use source X and guessed it should be like that…”
then ppl report it and they are like “nah bra we good, we are right and you are wrong”

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I really dont think Gaijin has learned from their previous mistakes.
The devs willfully ignoring issues for years upon years, refuting evidence with “no we don’t think so”, and showing some rather biased decisions led to last May’s…kerfuffle. Does this situation sound familiar?

The people who care about the game have spent hours researching and delving into archives to make very well detailed reports in spite of being limited to explicitly open source data, only for the devs (who are not in fact experts in material engineering or missile software development) to simply say “We don’t believe this is true, so we will quote some unnamed source that agrees with what we want to do with the game”.

This frustration is born of a passion for the game, of how no other game is close to it, but make no mistake, that if the devs continue on this path of “We know all” in spite of evidence to the contrary, that passion will turn to apathy, and that apathy will quickly coincide with the death of the game.




I guess you don’t want us to make very detailed reports then…