Gonna affect ALL Leopard 2s lmao.
We already debunked it and now they are using a secondary source to nerf it again
Gonna affect ALL Leopard 2s lmao.
We already debunked it and now they are using a secondary source to nerf it again
huh ?
I dont get it…
leopards still have 40 and 10 or not ?
They have 40/40 which is correct.
Most of the “armor” on A5/6/7 are just some piece of NERA hang in the turret and the hull so they can be falled off with enough force (got shelled, ate enough HE, … or even a tank crash might make it falls off)
That speed was verified by three independent sources.
Maximum speed of the stabilizer must be distinguished from the maximum controlled speed.
Maximum speed of the stabilizer must be distinguished from the maximum controlled speed.
How will that be accomplished?
Currently you control the gun directly in WarThunder, no FCS, no decoupled sights.
Will this be done just for tanks with an FCS, or for WW2 tanks too?
Does this hint at the upcoming implementation of a more complex FCS? I would gladly welcome it, being able to lead moving targets, or program shells properly.
How will this be done for other tanks? Information on the FCS are very scarce, especially on brand new tanks e.g. the 2S38, Type 10, etc.
Will you just estimate that their actual aiming speed is just let’s say 25% of their maximum speed? I don’t really see how that will be accomplished fairly.
Same way M1 Abrams is controlled in-game.
Abrams in-game has a 40 degree per second stab in WT, but only 20 degrees per second controlled movement.
This code is old and has been here since probably two plane stabs were introduced.
That’s not reflected in the game. There’s no stabilizer speed, only the maximum travers of the gun.
For the Abrams that’s 40/24.
The stabilizer is only limited past a certain top speed
for the vehicle on the ground.
“gunStabilizer”: {
“hasVerticalGunFreeMode”: false,
“hasHorizontal”: true,
“horizontalOmegaMult”: 1.0,
“horizontalSpeedLimitKPH”: 75.0,
“hasVertical”: true,
“verticalOmegaMult”: 1.0,
“verticalSpeedLimitKPH”: 75.0,
“speedFromVehicleVerticalMult”: -1.0
Do you have details on the Abrams vertical drive (and horizontal)? I would be interested in its performance
There is a stabilizer speed for all tanks with stabilizers.
In War Thunder that stabilizer speed is 40 degrees per second in elevation for Abrams.
The manual-input [control] speed is 24, which is what you see on the X-Ray.
What are you even trying to say? The speed your are talking about is the stock speed without crew, which is 24/13.
Aced Speed for it is 40/24, which for your information, is correct.
Yes, as I said.
For M1
From David on another thread, so the M1 seem to be correct.
Yes, as I said.
Dude was asking how WT handled different stab & manual input speeds, so I explained it to him using a known correct example.
IIRC WT uses gunner speed for the max-speed for turret rotation and elevation i think, so this is usualy the information used i think.
We as the player can elevate Abrams up to 24 degrees per second.
The game itself [stabilizer] will elevate the Abrams gun up to 40 degrees per second as we go over hills at speed.
And that’s what will seem to happen to Leopard 2 now.
No more head patting at 40 degrees per second in my Leopard 2s.
Stab will still be 40 degrees per second, but our manual input will be 10 degrees per second it seems.
Currently the speed avalaible for our use for the Leopard is still 40 degrees for the elevation it seems, if this changes goes though, what i can understand is the fact we will have 10 degrees max avalaible for us.
If we understand each other correctly, yes the direct input from our mice will be 10 degrees max available to us for elevation.
It is a curious day.
That’s incorrect according to the source for the speed provided above.
The aiming / tracking speed is 0.017°/s to 10°/s for the leopard 2
For the Abrams that would be 0.25mils/s to 75mils/s or about 0.014°/s to 4.5°/s
The minium speed is actually also very important as it defines how „pixel perfect“ you can get the radicle on target. On the Leo 2 this became a tiny bit worse with the electrical drive (compared to hydraulic), and made a noticeable difference to gunners.
That’s why I am asking @_David_Bowie how he thinks these thing will be implemented. Even the most basic values (e.g. gun accuracy) are not implemented yet.
Yet you are talking already about aim mode, turret drive acceleration, drive torque, controller inputs etc.
For 99% of the vehicles ingame, we will never have that data.
Yea stabilizers have unlimited traverse rate in game
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