Leopard 2A6A3: "I'm the upgrade"

why ?
we should also get the luxury that russians with t80b and t72 get…
why should i grind a entire new tank if it is at all just a armor upgrade ?..

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The 2A6a3 also offers Gen 3 thermals l/55A1 and Dm11 so I’d take it to replace my 2A5 in the lineup


Before the 2A7V, as a folder vehicle.

That, or in a folder behind the 2A6

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I’d move it before 2A6 and folder 2PSO with 2A5


Why have the 2A6M-A3 before the 2A6…?

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Sorry phrased it wrong I ment after.


This is great
A6 in game need a update

But it never release at these vehicle. They will make another.


Definitely should be added. 34 are currently in-service in Germany (it was more but they were converted to 2A7V’s). Effectively turns the 2A6 into a 2A7 without the major changes in armor. +1

It’s nice to see these modifications that don’t change the vehicle significantly but it’s definitely enough to make a good impact. Reminds me of how the Poles updates the Leopard 2A5 to the Leopard 2A5PL M1 (to a lesser extent).

Uh? No 2A6(M)A3s have been converted to the 2A7V standard. A3s production/modernisation began only after 2A7Vs had finished (it started during 2A7Vs production run, but it’s still a false claim that 2A6s of this type were convereted to 2A7V standard, simply because the latter’s is mostly built from new hulls and gutted, then rebuilt turrets ((84 of them to be exact, 16 of which were plain old 2A6s, 68 old 2A4 brought back from the industry, and 20 were plain 2A7 rebuilds)), to add to that, there is more than 60 currently in service in both MA3 and A3 variant.

It was to the 2A7A1 standard not 2A7V. It is an old article.

Snapped on that one lmao.

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Well you’re technically not wrong. According to latest info, 2A7A1 is really just a 2A7V with Trophy.

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Either way though, I hope to see it. That and along with the 2A7A1 🫡

Still waiting for this beauty. I thoroughly enjoy when companies offer these kinds of upgrades to older variants of vehicles even though there are newer options available.

The Leopard 2A6MA3 main battle tank.

The Leopard 2A7V main battle tank.