A needed buff for this tank since it’s outclassed at 12.0 as of right now is a possible modification
Upgrade could be the leopard 2tvm
An additional armor in the hull and roof proticton
To be similar to the strv sires of tanks
More info: Leopard 2 TVM - Best offer
bro please look at ariete then post smth like this
So complain about the ariete not here
The ariete have much better thermals and laser warning, 5 seconds of reload
Skill issues of you
And still you have a better leopard than Germany
The 1a5 have laser warning at the same battle rating of the German one and a leo 2a7 with extra roof proticton and 50 cal machine gun
I would say left 2A5 where it is maybe deceased BR to 11.7
but get something like Leopard 2A6EX instead as uparmored Leopard backup
another one won’t hurt really.
The developers already refused to do so the last br change sadly other than that I fully agree with you
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Leopard 2A5/A6/PSO really not the 2A7V level i don’t see why they can’t be the same BR as clickbait when it stays at 11.7 with M829A2 and five sec reload i know US premium horde suck but that isn’t excuse.
This game developers don’t play there game Thay still think of the leopards as of 2020-2022
The game changes to much since that time
If you struggle with any Leopard, I suggest deleting this post and looking for the problem elsewhere. Based on the stats, it seems you need the game to hold your hand (2A7) just to achieve somewhat average performance.
Aah, the daily german/US/USSR main complaining.
Can`t we have a sticky topic so people can use that instead of the daily posts?
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we need leopards in the US techtree. i guess then they would drop in BR :D
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I would quite like to see a modification for MEXAS addon armour, similarly to the ERA packages on tanks like the BVM, T72B3 and T90M, would warrant it’s BR of 12.0 and bring germany on par with sweden ground wise
Heh it the thing that people can only dream of even if they do get one there gonna be lot of complain across the commu and as you know people not gonna move on from Uparmored Leopard that easily.
Another thing is if your gonna post armor analysis please use the same round and try to aim for the same spot. It makes your argument more coherent.
Won’t make any difference really
that ones arguable.
Personaly i love the design of the 2a7HU with the rcws and prefer it over the 2a7v
but a valid argument of many is that the rcws is a HE trap and can lead to easy overpressure.
Its a reason why many still favour the 2a7v over the 2a7hu
No it won’t I tried that already with the Russian high explosive
the projectile analysis doesnt always reflect real in game behaviour sadly
Me playing a fully stock leo and getting a 6 kill game. 4 of which where while having a broken breach and barrel.