Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

in that case yes, Uk has like what 5 11.3 tanks? germany has 1 squadron.
Additionaly the future 2a6can would be an equivalent to the 2a7v and bolster the line up heavily making it a bit closer to stupid sweden

indian tank line makes the most sense their and after the ttd will most likely be the light tank line

If Canada had it’s own tree <<

It kind of depends tho, they could put them beyond the TTD since there’s nothing else they can put. Maybe the TTD with the 120 but I haven’t seen any info on the thing existing beyond being listed as a possibility. Both the Vickers and TTD line are currently dead ends without one if not both nations.

well, the way gajin is throwing indian stuff to britain its pretty clear they wanna put it there exclusively, splitting india now would be even more stupid. Additionaly there is possible australian light tank stuff as well that you guys could get

I saw someone saying a Canadian tree with a Australian sub tree

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I definitely do see the Arjun’s being added and likely the Ajeya Mk. 2, BMP-2 Sarath, etc. being premium/squadron/event vehicles.

I’d rather have a Canadian Tech tree otherwise 90% of Canadian stuff would be unattainable event vehicles.

But bar that the UK is the best place for Canada’s stuff. Is it the place they are currently going? No it doesn’t right now.

And with the 5-line limit, I resorted to pushing hard for Thatz’s 5-line Canada tree or Canada with Australian/ANZAC sub-tree.

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Canadian vehicles might just be mixed in to the 5th line and just made into a Commonwealth line, as well as with the occasional CW vehicle placed in another line to fill gaps. Not saying that’s the answer but it could be a Gaijin possibility.

I push for it often.

I’ve called it the 'Pusdo-Commonwealth" tree as it’s Canada with Australia and New Zealand. It’s our best bet to getting the 3 remaining Dommions in the same place to have line-ups for those nations.

well either way gotta wait and see.
But honestly currently with the facts that is a german leopard, specialy upgraded by KMW
UK being already saturated with 11.3 tanks AND having their 11.3 premium already.
I would give it a 70-80% chance the leopard 2a4can would go to germany.
There realy isnt any real argument for adding the tank to the UK besides the understandable wish of the canadian guys to have their stuff be put under one tree

I think it’s like a 60/40 because even though it’s predominantly upgraded by Germany, Gaijin doesn’t seem to disappoint lol. We have a lot of interesting vehicles in places that are controversial. Also if there is possibly two Leopard’s, then that just increases the odds of it going to the UK. We’ll have to look out for more leaks and also see how they’re going to place the Leopard 2A4M CAN because they could give it like DM33 and put it at like 10.7-11.0 or something.

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That is the other thing currently UK is being a shit show gathering of controversy. If gajin gives u guys the leopard its pretty much them blowing everything up your ass (sorry to say that) u will be called out for getting everything and anything without any relations and there will be massive backlash again

Then Canada own tree

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Doubt it armor and gen 3 thermals would be to strong as well

We botz know that aint happening any time soon

Honestly, when isn’t there some type of situation like that. It’s at least once an update. T-90S, the T-80U (SWE), it just keeps happening anyway

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Yes, but UK is realy in the spot light for that one lately. The t-90s one was giant and german mains arent known to be non vocal, specialy when a tree without any reason/relation would get the leopard when they already habe their whole own mbt series, well 3 mbts series total of we count indian ones

We don’t know how the armor is going to be implemented, as well as thermals doesn’t necessarily correlate to mass BR increases

I can see gajin doing that
Have 2 same tanks and put them in different trees because they can’t be asked to make them different

Same thing happened with F3 they were gonna make the British one the same as the Italian one with the worse radar until someone proved the Italian one had the better radar aswell