Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

If you have a source of reliable 2A4M info, ill happily take a look. I’ve done quite a bit of digging into the tank and personally it seems like information is highly elusive.

Wouldn’t you find different info looking for a 2A4M? (Unless Canada was the only nation to adopt a 2A4M variant)

2A4M - bases version with mine protection

2A4M CAN - extra upgrades ordered by Canada


the only one that ordered the one from KMW yes, all others went with the rheinmetall solution

I think the only other sources besides the canadians ones are the german leopard ones that talk about all leopard variants in existence

There is no 2A4M CAN designation in the real world. The 2A4M is only operated by Canada so the CAN is redundant.

Right here on this Government of Canada page. under variants: 2A4M CAN. it’s called the 2A4M CAN in the real world(or at least it’s called that by CANADA). however, due to Canada being the only nation to adopt a 2A4M variant, I’ll agree. (but it’s still wrong to me as the base 2A4M exists)

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Ah sorry if the comment seemed rude.

I’ve just got used to picturing: the name 2A4M as a 2A4 with mine protection as what everything lists that as.
Well 2A4M CAN is this thing with the extra upgrades Canada ordered. (Things like CAN and NL aren’t there for fun from what I’ve gathered)

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More I’m watching the leo in game…more I feel Insulted as a Canadian

Canada can only fill gaps in different trees? If I want this leo here in Canada it will be 103$, the price of a new video game for that? A Canadian tank in Germany with a German crew

Even if the tank is completed correctly, still hurt…


Whats the difference between the two of them then?

Id LOVE a quebecois tank crew in WT. Just cuz itd be absolutely hilarious.

Itd be the funniest tank crew ever.

If you have any bug report links, id love to see/support them!

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2A4M CAN and 2A4M or 2A4 CAN and 2A4?

2A4M - base 2A4 with mine protection.
2A4M CAN - has the extra add-on armour and other upgrades that Canada ordered.

2A4 CAN - seems to be just a 2A4 in Canadian service but that would need to be double-checked. (as looks alone aren’t everything, there might be some minor internal upgrades or changes)

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The Royal 22nd regiment is already War Thunder lore…

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No links yet, im working on one as we speak.

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My point is that 2A4M is only used by Canada so the “CAN” is redundant. Hell, the 2A4M just goes by 2A4M

In game maybe but Gaijin has a bunch of naming problems. (I could list two right now)

Eh, you do you. I’ll just never be able to picture this when someone says 2A4M as I have grew used to having something else show up when I hear the name 2A4M.

Ive always seen and used 2A4M CAN. The CAN might currently be redundant by function, but it is unique an accurate.


I would recommend making bug reports for these items, if not already made. So that these issues can be potentially handled.

Yes, can someone please make the bug reports covering the 3rd-gen thermals, internals, etc.? With my work schedule, I can’t.


german bug reporters are currently full handling the stupid f4f ice bugs / others are in their exam period

I cant do them either since a in game screenshot from the dev server is needed to open a report


If I get time I will try and make one but I hope someone beats me to it.