Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

nr 1 you mean the SMT
nr 2 the mig 21f-13 was a thing since quite a while already

armament is a balancing factor, many vehicles get imaginary equipment. Like the french eurocopters which physicaly arent able to shoot hot missles

no idea about france.

Still like i said

compare it to those 3 nations. Russia and US are getting new top tiers nearly every update.
Sweden getting better ground treatment, getting germanys best tank 2a6 literaly as their sub tree tank which hilariously is their 3rd spawn at the time.

ah no, those were realy just trolling

germany aint part of the big 3 anymore. We are being left behind quite fast currently. China as example is taking that spot fast. Even if we dont include china.
Germany would be at the 4th place. US/RUS/SWE are all better treated, germany isnt favoured anymore, thats just being neutral


Thr F-4F and MiG-21 werent a patch late, they were both over 1 YEAR late. Look it up…

F-4F was added in June 2021, F-4E/EJ was march 2020 (and is LITERALLY better in every way), UK phantoms back in oct 2019 and may 2020.

patches, meaning multiple xD

Thats objectively wrong. The best example is the Puma with 20+ bug reports who still havent been fixed, besides the core weight of the APFSDS, since it introduction to the game (thats now 2 years ago btw).

Germany isnt even one of the big 3 anymore, even tho a lot of people still believe that. That spot was taken by Sweden.


oh yeah, overread that part,

The Gepard 1a2 proxy stingers not working for over 9 months says sth different as well


Germany, USSR, Sweden
any two of the nations on the enemy team and it’s an auto loss for you. USA joined those ranks for a bit with its 5-sec buff.

But Germany is still one of the “Big 3” better to call it the “Big 4”

But Germany is nowhere near a bottom nation like every other nation in-game.

Oh cool you have a top tier IFV that must be nice, let me dust of the Warrior I have been using for the last 4 years. Please do tell me more about how hard done by you all are

Raise you Stromer well since it was added?

performance in the game, isnt equal to favourismen for additions to the game.

Besides that germanys winrates only went up recently with the 2a7v again. After we didnt get mbts for nearly 2-3years

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like i said, i never said it doesnt happen to other nations. Still fact is germany isnt favoured.
Stormer is an unfortunate case becuase of gajins spaghetti code

Your win rate when the 2A5 dropped was 80% for Months!

MBTs? Really at least you have proper support vehicles which this game needs more than another 5 MBTs.

And I found that was before the 2A7V As I don’t play that BR.

you mean the top tier IFV that doesnt even have ATGMs? Yeah no, im rather going to play the Strf 9040 BILL then the Puma, thank you very much.

and idk why youre shifting the goalpost now, since i wasnt comparing the two IFVs at all but proved to you that your statement, about germany not having bug reports sitting around for a long time, is wrong.

read what i said, around the introduction of the 2a5/6 was the time when germany realy fell out of favour, that is 2-3years ago, that is quite a while buddy. You are bringing up stuff from 2019 now

You guys need to play another Nation…

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i do, china

CV9040 is good enough without the ATGM, maybe Germany should have just bought them or will you change your tune when the PUMA gets MELS.

bug reports take time, German concerns are answered faster than British ones thats an undeniable fact.

is that before or after we talk about the CV9040 having its working anti air round?

And the Puma is also good enough without ATGMs.
I personally dont like IFV without ATGMs, but thats just my opinion.

Germany also is in need of the Puma S1, the Puma with MELLS, since its one of the nation like israel, japan, britian, france and china, if you dont count the ZBD04A, that doesnt have a top tier IFV with ATGMs.

Also what does that mean “will you change your tune if when the PUMA gets *MELLS”???
Were talking about now and rn the Puma doesnt have MELLS so it doesnt matter in the slightest when it will get added.
I could say the same thing to you: “Will you change your tune when you will get stuff like the Ajax or Desert Warrior?”

no? what are you on about? Thats again objectively wrong. There are enough bug reports about german vehicles that were sitting around for month before they were looked at and what do you think the mods are doing?
Mod: “A bug report about a british vehicle lets ignore that one for at least a year or so”
Mod lookig at a different report: “ah a german one, i have to immediately answer that one!!!”

It has also nothing to do with being a favored nation, the bug report site is just garbage and with all the fake report the good ones are easily getting looked over.

Talking about the leo and the discussion change for ifvs, I’m confused