Leopard 2 A-RC 3.0. getting into the next generation

-1 temporarily. Dont think any new quite ready for a 5 second auto loading DM73 just yet. When similar vehicles in terms of capabilities are added, then yes it would a make a welcome addition. It just seems a bit too modern, and a bit too powerful. Eventually it can come… just not yet…

there is no such thing as temporary support. not with the vote at least.
the game is always evolving. this vehicle will not be added tomorrow. Gaijin is not adding things that make a huge gap right away. Besides it takes 3-4 months to create an in-game model. This tank could be added in a year or so. by not only this tank will be added along with other MBTs to face it, but also there would be a full line-up to support it. who knows, maybe the Typhoon, Leopard 2A8, and the KF-51 would be in the game

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I simply just didn’t leave a vote (due to the fact passed suggestion have their votes locked, and not being able to change it back in the future is a problem), but still left my opinion in case others were interested in it or agreed with it. And yes by that time it could be ready for the game, but I have a feeling we still have quite some time before those things are added. Hell, we skipped quite the number of Leo’s to get straight to the Leo 2A7. However, well yeah it’s gaijin, if it does happen wouldn’t surprise me.

I proved to you that spikes were used with pointing out the exact launcher being used on rct 120 and i showed how the ARC 30 specialy was named on the leclerc evolution and embt.
How is that not considered prove?

It was a German-French company, but the project was done by the Germans themselves, with no French involvement


Massive +1

I am still not sure what the 3 shots in 10 seconds means, does it have a ready rack’ish system for first 3 rounds can be shot in 10 seconds or is the fire rate just stated weird as 3 shots per 10 seconds so 18 shots a min.

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the tank only got a total of like 20 rounds, the turrets unmanned. So it just means a reload rate of 3.3 seconds

it also depends on how you start counting.
it could be with the gun empty which means a fire rate of 18 rpm
or with the first round already loaded which means they start to count at the first shot and stop at the last shot. which would mean 12 rpm


Here you go this is a video specialy done with the coperation with kmw with new information etc


ill do a translation later today

does this mount the Pumas optics?

the 2a7v already mounts puma optics when i am right

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From here they specify as KNDS Deutschland and no mentions about KNDS France.


Man I hope they will add this. I wonder if it will be a top tier monster tank? Like the Object 292 but better!

Germany has zero claim to it, as it was made by KNDS-France, which KNDS-Deutschland has no hold over the assets of. It was made so France can show that they have no reliance on Germany for the project of the EMBT
Leopard 2 A-RC 3.0 makes no sense for France, Leclerc Evo makes no sense for Germany, 2 companies forming a merger across a nation does not mean ownership of products by a nation unrelated with it

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that part is not exactly true, the leclerc evolution does use the embt turret that was developed together with germany. Germany did have their hands on it.

But literaly anybody agreed to leo 2 arc 3.0 going to germany and leclerc evolution going to france besides the OP of this thread, he made such a mess of this suggestion and had so many things wrong in it, it was crazy.

Honestly with his “suggestion counter” at some point one should just leave the suggestion to people that actualy know stuff about vehicles and the specialist and not to random guys that suggest any vehicle just for the sake of it.
And even then fight the matters when the actual german guys explain his mistakes to him


Actually it wasn’t, KNS-France and Thales worked on the EMBT Turret as you see in the Leclerc Evolution; It is a different turret, just not wildly different. The original EMBT 2022 Turret is actually a modified Leclerc turret anyways.

I still agree the Leopard goes to Germany and the Leclerc goes to France, but its a common myth that Germany had anything to do with the Leclerc Evo’s turret; In reality, Thales is the one making the internal systems

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embt and evolution are yet slightly altered again, with the launcher integration etc, which might have been purely from the french side yeah.
Generaly if you have sources to the EMBT 2022 i would love to see them, since that is a vehicle that should come to us both.

A heavily modified one, they dont share much anymore

like i said would love the sources for thales on that one, since i am only aware that the intent for joint project was only signed in this year between the 4 companies and the embt being a pure knds france and germany project

Uhh yeah i understand that, just telling that to make it fair as both suggestion is made by the same person and originally only in leopard suggestion that contain "i propose this tank for Germany and not France, although France has as much claim over this tank as Germany does” while leclerc one doesn’t

Sources, you mean like, the signs posted at Eurosatory? Not everything is written in 2008 swiss calligraphy documentation