Leonardo M346 FA (Preserie)

You have also to bring some proof for back up what You are saying. You are trying to go against a manufacturer document, wich happen to be a primary source and thus You are the One Who have to prove that such weapons were never sent to anyone outside Israel (wich Is an impossible point to defend since You Will never know what kind of trade companies do between them).

And btw if You at least looked at the Imagines section You would have alredy found one of the “proofs” You were looking for.


+1 for Italy and Israel

I’m not sure if I’m the only one here who just LOVE early jets more than F16/f15/Mig29 :D
I support your idea.

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This isn’t exactly an early jet tho :P

I love IRIS-Ts on my early jets

The only issue with the Israeli one are it’s weapons (it could be added for sure, but it will be difficoult to balance).

Any info on HMD?


It seems to be just a common pilot helmet with NVD

Btw, there’s something that mentions it’s special HMD model built around this helmet

It seems to be just JHMCS II

<Innocent Python 5 noises>

Never seen a picture of it on Israeli M346

Would be funny to see MICA in Italian TT

I already found that image on my own actually, and it’s not conclusive towards being an I-Derby or I-Derby ER (especially when the most important part for identifying the missile as an I-Derby ER is concealed by the aircraft’s wing). There is no proof anywhere to suggest these two (3 if we count the I-Derby alongside the I-Derby ER) weapons were sold or loaned to any Italy company directly (unless proof exists that one of the clients of said weapons loaned it for integration purposes), especially for the SPICE-250 which still has yet to be sold or loaned to any company or foreign nation other than the IAF for tested integration on an IAF F-15 and use on Rafaels’s testbed F-16. It could be very possible the SPICE-250 uses a similar interface to the SPICE-2000/1000, allowing for there to be backwards compatibility of some sort so maybe should they acquire this weapon they could most certainly use it. But as it stands, they don’t have this weapon to use in the first place (unless you can prove otherwise).

As for the I-Derby ER, unless they integrated or tested a I-Derby it can’t use it (which they very well might have, but they look identical to the standard Derby on the exterior and it’s hard to tell the difference between them). The I-Derby and I-Derby ER differ from the standard Derby and would need to be integrated accordingly, as an aircraft compatible with the regular derby isn’t compatible with the I-Derby or I-Derby ER. However again I must mention, only Colombia and India have been sold this missile, meaning this aircraft can’t receive it as it doesn’t have access to it for usage.

Unless gaijin is willing to add weaponry based solely on pre-existing interfaces being compatible with newer weaponry (which again can’t even be proved, just a wishful assumption I’ve made), I don’t think these weapons in particular can be added to this aircraft. It simply doesn’t have access to them. (Again, this all is capable of being proven wrong in some way or another should you find any proof that suggests this company/nation acquiring either of these weapons for tested usage/integration) As far as I can tell, it’s simply a marketing proposal, to likely integrate it should the buyer wish to use the weapon as they’re available on the market for purchase from Rafael. But as it stands, no Italian company has purchased or tested these weapon based on the public resources I’ve accessed.

And which proof do You bring showing that what You state is true? Because right now your one is an assumption (Youy are assuming that such weapons were not integrated, even tought You don’t have anything to cover this up, while various Leonardo docs mention that such weapons are integrated. if You don’t believe company data’s you are free to do it, but that won’t change what gaijin believe is true (and informations from the company are considered primary sources)).

I’ve been looking into it (the Israeli IAF M-346 “Lavi”) a lot lately, and depending on the information revealed in a certain resource I’ve ordered, it might be able to come to the game at all sadly.

As you may know the IAF M-346 Lavi was procured solely for training purposes (and as such it wasn’t fitted with an RWR or countermeasures from my understanding). It has been seen using what appear to be CATM-9 training sidewinders, and what I believe are Zuni rocket pods (might not be) as well as being seen with up to 3x drop tanks. However if it can even use live weapons such as these is in question right now based on what I’ve been reading. I’ll get back to you on this soon, but there’s a chance it can’t use any live weaponry, similar to an aircraft such as the EAP we all know and love.

Long story short, might just be a trainer that lacks the ability to use live munitions and be apart of the game. Fingers crossed that isn’t the case…

Yeah I’ve read about aim9m and hydra (used on the training pod alongside bdu33). If You find anything more about more weapons then it could be wort for a suggestion.

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Would you like me to get records stating the procurement and purchase of the I-Deeby ER for India and Colombia, because those exist. What doesn’t exist is anything stating that these weapons were loaned to Italy or any Italian company. Thats the big problem really, at least for me, and possibly even gaijin. I need proof showing they obtained the weapons they said they integrated. Perhaps I could email them or reach out in some other way to see if I could get some answers on this from the company itself. If you’d like me to do that I’ll gladly do so.

So uhm funny story actually… gaijin has actually denied weaponry and bug reports in the past based on the basis of “we believe this is a marketing lie from the manufacturer” xD
Anyone here have the screenshots of that lol

From what I can tell (and theorize), should it be proven capable of using live munitions still in some capability, it could come to the game with probably the best loadout of any M-346, or the worst. Up to gaijin in that regard. It could have the Python 5, or be stuck with the Aim-9L. It could have the SPICE-1000, or be stuck with 1000lb dumb bombs. Essentially it’s a roll the dice and hope gaijin’s gonna be like “hey it can use this, maybe let’s let it use this cuz why not” kind of thing…. So basically depends on the mood gaijin’s in and if they’re willing to give the vehicle theoretical loadout based on the arsenal of the IDF/IAF.

If You have the possibility to do it feel free to prooced.

The issue is that with this statement You could question any weapon avaible for any aircraft, as when two companies make deals they arent going to make it public like an air force. And You probably know that it’s up to impossible to found any info of this kind online (for most aircrafts).

Yeah You are right, but we don’t know if that will happen in this or any future case so We have to follow and apply theyr normal rules.

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