Leonardo AWHERO

[Would you like to see this in-game if in future there will be the possibility of have multiple drones?]
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Description: The AWHERO is an Italian modern recon UAV made by the Italian company Leoanrdo and developed from the SD-150 Hero. The project started back in 2012 when two Italian companies, Leonardo and Sistemi Dinamici S.p.A., made a joint venture to make a new recon UAV that could answer modern military requirements. In 2016, Leonardo Complete bought the other company, the The first prototype flew for the first time in 2018, and one year later, a new production line for this drone was opened in the city of Pisa. Since 2019, this drone has been used multiple times during international operations as a technology demonstrator, especially in the OCEAN 2020 project (a project that aims to complete control of the European coast by the EU, and UAVs are an important part of it). In 2021, the AWHERO got its military certification. It’s the first of its class in the world to achieve this result. The next important result achieved by the company in 2022 was the installation of the Gabbiano TS20 ultra-light mechanical scan radar. This integration is very important since it gives the drone the capability to completely control the envyroment near it and detect enemy vessels on its own. The UAV development continued, and it was shown again at the Seafuture event in 2023, where it was showcased on the Italian Patrol Vessel/Frigate Francesco Morosini in the presence of the Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosseto. Talking about what the UAV is capable of, it’s fitted with a frontal camera that can be used for recon (with also Terman and night vision), but it can also be used to guide various weapons (in game, it could be used to guide a missile from the tank who is operating it; this mechanic could be very useful with vehicles with F&F missiles like Freccia).

Why it should be in the game: Currently all the scout UAV for all veichles are a russian model. This one will be one of the possibility that Italy could receive if the Developers will ever decide to give to every nation it’s own UAV. It could be also implemented in the future in naval battle thanks to it’s naval recon capability.



Length: 3.70 m
Width: 1.24 m
Height: 1.20 m
Rotor diameter: 4.0 m
Empty weight: 120 kg
Maximum take-off weight: 200 kg
Capacity: 85 kg
Cruising speed: 167 km/h (90 kn)
Autonomy: 6 h (with 35 kg load)
Tangency: 4,267 m (14,000 ft)
Gabbiano TS20 Ultra-light mechanical scan radar



L'AW Hero di Leonardo ottiene la prima certificazione militare al mondo per un aeromobile della sua classe - Coccarde Tricolori
Business Innovation Factory (BIF): Leonardo mette le ali alle start up | Wired Italia
Leonardo AWHERO Rotary Unmanned Air System (RUAS)
News and stories detail








+1 yes please, this is so cool, we have UAVs why not heli UAVs ?

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I think gaijians infantry event showed an amazing way of this but I think it shouldn’t be unique per nation just yet but unique per BR 10-8.3 would be standard uav 10+ would be allowed to choose helicopter or Standard as a like ammo type which would allow for using helicopters would be stationary and allow for single points watching and standard uav is well standard uav but at the same time I wish all uavs had the scout feature from your light tank so you could get points for using it

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