The Leopard 2K feels moreso a side grade to the likes of the KPz-70 than an upgrade (the only thing of quality change is slightly high survival due to the increase in crew, the penetration, and top speed; the vehicle frontally get penetrated by all of Sweden’s 9040 tanks unlike the KPz-70)
So what I suggest to better contrast it is to make it’s 20mm have 50/50 of DM51 and DM63 instead of it’s current 50/50 of DM51 and DM43
How would you consider a superior tank a sidegrade?
I dunno man, german mains are special
Nah, id say hes just more new, leo 2k is like german abrams imo, very good at flanks and the 20mm is very nice.
You seem to be confused. I didn’t say it was bad (because it’s not) it’s just that it does some trading around with performance that makes it feel like you aren’t graduating onto something that feels exceptionally impactful; a growth. This is just to round out itself
Clearly being superior to the KPZ-70, with the exception of 1 degree more gun depression and a 0.7 sec faster reload compared to ACED crew on 2K. In all other metrics the 2K is simply better.
(unless you count the suspension)
Giving it 20mm DM63 would increase it capabilities against lightly armored vehicles, there’s only one problem as far as i can tell it was cancelled (project) around 1973. while the 20mm DM63 is from 1989 so more then a decade past this vehicle.
the 2K is the literal successor to the KPZ .
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Have you heard of the 9040? (also the suspension does count otherwise it wouldn’t be there)
for me the suspension is very situational, i’ll use it but i’m more in favor of its mobility and the 6 sec reload to flank.
What about the CV9040?
Maybe hes referring to the armor of the 9040C model? They are the most well armored IFV’s next to the Namer
dunno, but there are four “armoured” IFV’s: both version of the PUMA & the Namer and the Namer Tsrikhon. the KF-41 with its APS a distant 5th.
the C variants armour only brings down its hp\t ratio (-4 compared to the B), which might protect against AP form the front but that’s about it. i’ve spaded it, but like the B or Bill variant better.
on paper the C would be better with the top tier APFSDS (141 > 170 mm of pen), but this comes at a cost (110Sl per shot, @5 rounds a second), i reverted back to the free stock round.
Yrah imo speed is much more important, pretty funny that the 2S38 is the same BR as the 9040C while being faster (not by much) and overall a better vehicle
All CV9040’s can penetrate the front hull of the Leo 2K (they all can get through the turret but the Strf 9040C can wedge it’s top round through the Leo 2Ks turret more confidently) where as the have to try for the gunner optics weakspot on KPz-70 (which isnt a guaranteed any crew kill upon first or even second shot) you also encounter them more frequently in the Leo 2K exasperating the vehicles as a threat (This is also part of that trade offs thing I’ve talked of; getting nice stuff but in less favorable scenarios). Additionally in close quarters the 9035s can also get through the front armor. However, this isn’t a binary of can or cannot go through; high hardness armor produces more spall than regular RHA. This isn’t to say one should rely on their armor but to say when comes between dying to a CV9040 or not dying to a CV9040 when they are in front of you I personally prefer the ladder
I will say about the suspension I actually like to tilt back the tank as much as possible when on a ridge line to better protect and ever so slightly reduce visiblity (that 10° does ever so come in handy). Also the HEAT on the KPz-70 is really underrated; cheiftan mk 10s on ridge lines become a good laugh
Maybe it’s how I play that makes me feel as if they’re a bigger threat than they really are