Leo 2a7v and 122b+

I watched both dev-streams and nobody said that. In dev-blogs nothing too. It may be true ofc, but there isn’t a single piece of evidence so it’s only a theory. But spall liners shouldn’t be added at all.

No, you just don’t know all his problems. As the simplest example his fuel tanks explode, even though they shouldn’t.

Too bad at tournaments and top squadron battles everyone rides leopards and not bvm. Your or my personal preferences say nothing about the effectiveness of the tank.

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US always suffered from that unfortunately and that makes otherwise a really good line of tanks and aircrafts being a pure pain train to grind through…

the US is not bad its just that it suffers from the bad teammate syndrome the 5 sec reload really helps with the enemies rushing and your teammates doing nothing but even so its still the bad teammate syndrome

Sooooo if the BVM had a feature similiar to spall liner, ie. one hit protection in a place where the feature is located,

And it had that feature since red skies were added and no one (bar other relikt bags equipped tanks) had similiar feature

You cant really say that 2A7 is worse than BVM because muh spall liner.

They only showcased them on the T-90M and didnt say a word about them comming for other tanks like challenger, leopards, bradleys etc. That was enough said

The bug report website has way more reports for the 2A7V, the biggest problem of the T-90M is all ammo burning when the ammo rack in the back gets shoot. That can be solved by just not filling it.
And every fuel has the chance to explode, in the same sense you could say germany should get DM63, just so their ammo doesnt explode

eh thats purely because the mobility is more important in small team matches then the armor

well im dipping out of this thread for now cuz this is heading a bad direction, also БрИт4нСкUй_П0дС0С think what you are gonna say before saying it cuz you are putting really bad arguments to fight back


Well then you need to define downside and even then you need to judge if the downside is relevant in the first place.

T-90M and T-80BVM have commanders 12.7mm HMG, 2A7 has only 7.62mm. See? downside! Not relevant, but a downside nonetheless.

And tournaments and top squadron battles are played like ordinary matches? Because afaik they are not and thus what tank is considered good for pro scene is kinda irrelevant because they want different things from them tha ordinary players.

Playing hull down specifically with leopard 2A7 is most of the times a bad idea, because your turret ring, unlike the one of all other leopards in game, is modeled wrongly (it sits higher just like the entire turret, and that area is not volumetric either), so sitting down with a whole hole open for full spalling after a penetration, resulting often in ohk even on an ace crew, is not a good idea at all.
If you really want to kill leopard 2A7 easily, shoot it under the gun, and if you cannot do that because he turned his turret around, shoot the gaps between the turret and the hull (the turret is higher, remember?), or shoot the ufp if you are close enough in any tank that is not a russian one (they are not as tall to look over the previously mentioned ufp).
The spall liners are an advantage, but you can bypass that by placing the shot right under the turret : if that was not enough for you, if the 2A7 is sitting still, you can literally shoot its elevated turret ring from the side as well.
The tank is bugged, not unplayable, but it’s literally NOT as good as strv 122 right now.

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Nerfing those bags is one thing, if you aim for them bad luck. Same goes for anyone that shoot a Leopard in the turret cheeks. Aiming at bad places doesnt make the tank OP but the shooter bad. Again I am talking about VERY inconsistent post pen action. Sometimes I too survive ridiculous shots in the B3 that shouldnt be survivable, I guess the shooter suffered the same post pen “feature” but when you are a 1 trick pony with the T72B3 where you come out of the corner, aim, shoot it pens and destroys his sausage counter. Now comes time to run behind the corner again but nah, 4 KMH reverse speed and you ded because the leopard now after he collected his sausages from the floor of the tank has good 7 seconds to place his shot because you cant run away anyway.

Feel free to type them all out, in the meantime for the 2A7V;

  • incorrect internal armour
  • incorrect behaviour of the armour
  • many more artificial weakpoints than all other Leopard 2s combined
  • wrong (too slow) acceleration
  • about ~20 or so incorrectly modelled spots that make the protection worse
  • the side plates are from wrong material (per Gaijin everything below 40 - 50mm should be High Hardness Steel, for the 2A7V they’re just normal RHA)
  • incorrectly modelled turret ring (it’s bigger than on all other Leopard 2s)
  • hovering turret (exposes the turret ring)
  • the turret ring is positioned too high than on all other Leopard 2s (artificial weakpoint)
  • the neck protector is too small
  • the collar doesn’t have a damage model (so everything just flies into the turret ring)
  • the upper plate doesn’t ricochet APFSDS
  • the beak is worse than on the Strv 122 (they should be at least the same).
  • the mantlet is still an artificial weakpoint despite reports
  • protection is incorrect in general
  • the plates on the upper plate are at a wrong angle so they make the armour weaker
  • cheeks have artificial weakpoints due to Gaijin not making the plates volumetric

I could continue, but it’s already a lot. The only problems from this list that apply to the Strv 122 btw, are the general armour and the mantlet.


That’s not saying anything. Developers have been introducing all sorts of things without saying anything about it. So it’s still only a theory.

Devs confirms that 90m has some improvements that prevent fuel explosion. And guess what. They still didn’t fix it, fuel still go boom and that a huge debuff for 90m survivability.

I dont think i need to say anything further. Your own train of thought does my job better.

Relikt isnt the only ERA on those tanks. B3 Relikt is locked behind a long and painful grind. Until than you are stuck with those 3 food trays same found on the T90A which are literally useless. Relikt is the ONLY ERA (after the later post I stand corrected, ALL ERA DOES IT) that does that. If you get shot there you will die anyway in about 6 seconds because you cant move anywhere away from there to get into cover. So yeah RELIKT is a bad place to shoot for the first shot kill. Any other ERA is non existent

Also Relikt aint consistent 100% of the time aswell, sometimes it stops the round completely sometimes its like a bag of buscuits.

I have had multiple Dm53 rounds gobbled up by K-1. K-1,K-5, Relikt all are blackholes for darts

like tracks fuel tanks and anything that is in game after volumetric

Much less than relikt though. UFP of the RU tanks do eat shots reliably if you dont hit the drivers port. Although UFP non pen after ERA is debatable. Sideshots shouldnt be really. Relikt eats a shot one time, the other it does nothing. It happens with Relikt imo more often then with other types of ERA (just my personal observation).

And yet again my point proven about incorrect models…

Perhpas theres some miscommunication and i do sincerely hope that you wanted to say something else, but as i read what you wrote, all i see is

Anything better than BVM is broken op




The only real downside of bvm is its turret being crap.
If you want to limit the ammo explosions decrease your number of shots to 20 total. Ammo explosions happens with a base % change, and it increases once 2+ ammo are stacked together.
Also I don’t know how leopard is much more survivable than bvm is, shooting its neck breaks everything 9 times out of 10, any non spall liner leopard dies shot in the side instantly, same applies for the ufp if you are at the right angle of elevation, same applies also for the track link shots.
And 2A7 given its floating turret, and turret ring gets often one shots (there’s a hole there, that creates full spalling which kills the crew).

If BVM is standing on the edge between ± fine and op (even slightly over that edge), than obviously everything that better than bvm is totally broken op shit. Especially since all other mbts of the USSR, except bvm are very mediocre unlike 3 good leopards Germany have.

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