Leo 2a7v and 122b+


Then there is no issue with me having around 70% winrate on 2A7, correct?

Nope, KD is what should actually count which is what?

Btw imagine this
“What makes T-64-style autoloader notably faster than that of T-72 is the presence of ‘sequence’ mode. When it is enabled, the loading mechanism continuously loads the rounds of the same type without any gunners intervention. In addition, the rotation of the carousel to get the new round is done immediately after the previous round has been loaded, in parallel with the firing procedure. This allows to perform all the blocking loading operations in under 5 seconds. T-90 has received similar advancement in autoloader logic.”

skewed by lvl 20 players in clickbait, the K/D doesnt say anything right now

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True but some sort of measuring system has to be taken into account. Im playing the Noob-Bait and its a really good tank but my 26% WR is…yeah…

What does this have to do with anything?

Calm your tits, just something I have laying around, wont argue that its needed because IT AINT!

when we start that we can give western nations Anti era ammo as well , just saying

You cant use K/D of a vehicle alone.

One of my best vehicles then would be … a T-44 at 2.2 K/D. No matter that it is objectively mid tank with 5.7 gun and no matter i have only 20 battles in it.

Why bring it up when it does not relate to the topic at all?

Thats the whole point of that. Comparing “cardboard” ERA of the russians, mega effective Trophy etc etc is just dumb. The Leo,Abrams and the Russian tanks even have some ponies up their sleeves that arent implemented that would BREAK the game completely in the current state which are though more than viable IRL.

Had Sweden an unfair top tier lineup for at least last 2 years minimum?

Yes. Thank Dmitriy by the way


Should Germany got better/same leopard than Sweden one before them or at least a lot earlier?

Yes. Totally.

Should german players players defend “weak” 2a7?

Absolutely not. 122 and strv are the best tanks of the game by a wide margin and they are far stronger than bvm ever was. I have nothing against them dominating for 1-2 updates (even though I don’t like this cancer meta), but If you really want balance, then you have to admit that 2a7 is a broken op tank. Otherwise when you hated bvm because “balance”, you just wanted the same op shit for yourself and you don’t care about balance at all.

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Define broken op tank.

isn’t that how the game work nowadays hm? tbh i rather have multiple nation that become OP rather than one nation sit and have all comfortable because no nation can be on par with them now we have Germany and Sweden that OP not Russian alone it total fine by me

All of what you thought about BVM back in the day, all those things just on the 2A7V.

I gave up on Leopards back in the day due to BVM, went to the Russians now I gave up on Russians because of the Leopard…and it goes round and round since 2012.

yeah, i quote that one all the time as well…

nobody is saying it is weak, thats a huge difference, we are aware it is strong, but it is not busted, when it has the same capabilities then tanks that are 3 years old.
In the first place the german community said from the start that the 2A7V is to strong and shouldnt come when we saw the leaks. Our guess was PSO-VT, 2E , 2A6EX. But now gajin added the 2a7v and we gotta work with that.

Like every nation community we are gathering material of the tank and trying to realise it as true as we can. Are we now forbidden from doing that because the 2A7V is a good tank already?
Everybody is allowed to complain about their vehicles not being close to reality just germany isnt.
Besides that we still have to deal with swedish prejustice as well and fight to get our tanks at least equal to the Strv122…

Believe me the current 2A7V model is broken, it has armor holes, the armor plates are modeled into each other and dont work right and and and… Of course correcting those problems would make the 2A7V stronger, but is it so wrong that we want to fix bugs and a bugged model?

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Strv122 series is still better armored then 2A7V, so you are being a hypocrite

Nation other than russia gets MBT on par with russian MBT, games becomes unplayable. More at 11.

Good for you i guess.

Its 99% the same shit…Leopard here Leopard with fancy paint there

believe me there is quiet a difference, besides having worse internal armo, they gave the 2a7v a worse add on plate and the plate overlaps with the internal composite making it inneffective. The 2A7V is a lot worse armor modelled then the Strv122s

Considering it’s about 1/3 the size of the turret, yeah, makes sense. Meanwhile, look at the interior of a Leo 2, and you’ll see the size difference. This is more of just complaining about realism than calling for it. Also, almost unrelated, the Russian tanks use a larger breech, for a larger round, with a larger powder charge, so scientifically, it makes perfect sense to me.