Leo 2a7v and 122b+

Because we have DM63 which is literaly designed to not explode when hit you buffo

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They have:

  • good mobility
  • .50 cals, even if this is underrated it could be useful
  • good thermals all around, remember that only german have one gen 3 leo, while the rest are all gen 1, while US gets three gen 2 tanks. Sweden is still stuck with gen 1
  • marginally, a better round for what it does regard the spall
  • superior firepower since they do shoot 1 second earlier.
  • turret cheeks protection is ok, you cannot angle it, but it can defend you hull down.

You seriously want to compare this to Ariete, or Type 10? Those two are giant light tanks, not the Abrams, which got also an unfair buff to the reload. The Ariete should’ve get the reload buff, not the Abrams, a buff that was concessed solely on the player statistics.

Pipe down mr.49% winrate.

How about you get good instead?

A2 thermals arent anything special. Mobility of SEP versions is poor compared to earlier versions. 829a2 doesn’t spall well vs bvm or anything with liner. 9 out of 10 times in an engagement if you dont get a first shot kill you will be killed or disabled so 5 sec reload is non factor. Not to mention requires ace crew which is GE purchase which I dont think most do. Recently I frequently get penned right through turret cheecks of all abrams which has NEVER hapoened irl. I’ll take my type10 or tkx over abrams any day right now. Prob with japan is tgey have nothing else. 5sec shots for abrans crew is easily doable for a short time.

No it doesn’t

Then disable first most tank battles are decided by who firs first

Compared to the 30% win rate of top BR in the United States

Maybe you do not have any idea how important are thermals and how useful they are.

So does every round

This is your problem, not an issue of the tank.

False, you can grind them.

Do you have any source for this? Do you have a source that the M1A2 SEP’s fighted against DM53 and such and withstanded said round? No. Because all the Abrams fighted was old gen stuff, so i don’t see why you said this never happened IRL.

Yes, it can do this for 18 rounds straight while moving? Don’t think so.

Technically you can ace it without but it takes an insane amt of time.

Yeah but is repairing the engine on a tank that was hit with APFDS in 30 seconds possible

All that matters is that it could do that reload so they let it

Yes so does getting to top tier

Do you drive full speed and shoot all 18 non stop? No. But they can shoot and move at 30mph. Bet most dont shoot while moving more than couple rounds at a time…at mist.

This does not matter neither justify the buff. They buffed the Abrams based on the fact it can reload faster than 6 seconds, which is fine, but at the same time they completly nullified one of the advantages of the Challengers 2’s, which is reloading faster. What i say is that if the Abrams can get a better reload the Challenger 2 and Ariete should get a better reload as well.

The point is you dont automatically get 5 sec reload…you have to ace the crew…and I’d wager most dont.

Chally 2 still had 2pc ammo…that takes more time. Chally 3 you have a good argument.

I sent the wrong email, it should have been sent to another topic

No the opposite mate

Must be so bad that practically everyone else who actually designs MBTs apart from US, UK, China & Russia copied their ammunition layout. Obviously it must be so baaad to place it behind the spot with the thickest armour, especially when your concern is the size (which wasn’t for the Americans, but to have completely isolated ammunition, you have to make your turret physically much larger, and thus easier to hit. Btw, some of the newest designs still use the wine rack… (K2, Type 10, Altay…). FYI, some nations designed munitions that are meant to not explode :P

(We don’t count Italy).

We know that modern Tungsten carbide alloys wich are used in APFSDS projectiles can be made to also have a selfsharpening feature and dont start with the pyrophoric because thats tungsten aswell

Im pretty sure DU is still better just nations don’t use as one it uranium and two du is not easy to get

Na it really depends on how easly u can procure things nations with a massive amount of A reactors have it much easier.