Leclerc's problems

OFL F1 is tied with 3BM60 for pen [3/4mm margin of error].
OFL F1 erroneously causes less spalling on armor, but that’s due to spalling based on mass in my eyes rather than basing spalling on energy.

Leclerc’s UFP is bugged. It’s visually correct, but the game doesn’t take into account the extra plate inside.

Yes, Leclerc has issues, we’ll all agree there.

Ammo is not the the best thing to complain about when there are bigger issues; and only USA, Italy, Finland, and Germany fire better rounds on their tanks in War Thunder. I don’t mean 2 - 10mm more pen either.

I will agree that SHARD should probably be added.

From Marc Chassilan, “Char Leclerc”, in 2005.



oh cool ty ! you’re french?

No, im not, however with other people im working on making reports on it for fixing the issues it does have.


ok thank you !
but i know ammo is not the the thing to complain about, that’s why there is other points
but ty !

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for the armor, i’m complainig about the void in front of pilot’s feet, not his head
and cool you are working to fix the NERA !

Those are words.

What other armor is there supposed to be in the Lower Front Plate? Do you have any source about it?

Feets are not protected, the LFP is not protected by NERA, so an APFSDS will just go though.

Here is also a hit distribution diagram on a Leclerc MBT based on early 1990s data that illustrates the importance of a well protected upper front hull, but you can also see that the LFP is not hitted that often:



Modern armored warfare experience: Around a third of the fired projectiles seem to hit the the upper front hull and glacis of MBTs. This also explains the lack of need to protect the lower front hull (See Challenger 1, Challenger 2,etc.).

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okk ty man !

you have source of side ERA stopping APFSDS?

you here what you want or something? kinda cringe btw

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Honestly, these kinds of posts undermine the efforts of those who are attempting to have Leclerc’s actual issues fixed.

We are trying to have its composite armor, acceleration, top speed, thermals and other things that already got fixed (reload, turret traverse speed, etc) based on documented information…

…yet you make posts talking about how “the LFP should be better” while providing zero information or sources about it when all photographic/video evidence and sources available indicate that it’s correct ingame- only to then give that reply when asked about the sources/reasons why you would make such statements?

Posts like these makes us all look bad.

Let me show you what actually caring and fighting for Leclerc looks like:

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" I would really like to have an explanation " Fortunately there are other people than you to answer this question, I never said that it should be better.

You did, though:

Aren’t you referring to the lower front plate here?

yes, still didn’t say it should be better

I just found something about the leclerc LFP, it shows almost the same thing as WT but the armor is a bit longer, it stops on the pelvis of the driver, and shorter on WT

Appreciate all you do, but Gaijin don’t care, they would rather make sure the Leopard 2A7V has something it was missing than attempt to rectify any of the long suffering vehicles.
CR2, Leclerc and Arriete are not designed to be competitive in game. The big 3 (4) need targets and this is all they are.

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For my own gaming experience, Leclerc’s biggest problem is not the protection or ammunition penetration issues that everyone complains about, but his tracks. I can accept that the Leclerc is a poorly protected tank (considering its protective layout, it cannot obtain the comprehensive protection of the Strv122s or T90M,T-80BVMs), but I cannot accept that it is a tank with poor driving experience. The Leclerc series gives me the feeling of a chubby person with slippery feet. Its track grip performance is very poor, which directly leads to slow acceleration, slow steering response, and inability to stop quickly. I have experienced countless times when braking due to its poor track grip performance, causing the entire vehicle to slide out. If the Leclerc had the track performance of the M1A1, it could still be a high-speed tank with French characteristics, but now it’s just a piece of dog shit.