Learn AI to land or depop in Enduring battle

Am I the only one who is annoyed to see AI sitting in the middle or in the side of the runway continuously during SB battles ? They are like they did a belly landing, and they still there, bouncing sometimes.

I mean, would be that hard to make AI lands properly or just make them disappeared after their mission scripts finished, like for the bombers and attackers ?
Because hearing full thrust jet from the AI just next to you when your plane decide to opens canopy automatically (why this feature by the way ? It should stay manual), it’s a bit annoying. Especially when you suffer tinnitus and the only thing you hear is AI jets at full power covering all the rest.

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Yes, the AI aircraft really could use some love: They’re completely out of date, completely useless, and not working correctly at all.

But hey, atleast the AI can go mach 1.8 at like 2000m with an plane which cant even go Mach 1

Screenshot 2024-12-16 200238

Could be worse. You could have 737’s going at 920 kts / 1700 kmh at 120k feet / 37 km altitude, as in the most recent and (in)famous civilian flight sim…

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