Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure I present some new information I’ve come across regarding a vehicle that was suggested here:
I’ve been doing some digging, and I found something you all might enjoy to see, as I found a rare image of a M.D 450B Ouragan in service with El Salvador which depicted it with a very unique feature:

That my friends, is a pylon for mounting/using the Shafrir 2 AAM. I’ve always read the El Salvador had/used the Shafrir AAM, but could never figure out what they used it on, and today via this article:
I’ve uncovered that it was actually very likely tested on this aircraft, and not just any Shafrir, the Shafrir 2 nonetheless!! This addition would officially make this aircraft a unique addition to the game, (and although I would prefer if it went to the Israeli TT) it could bring uniqueness to a potential LATAM TT in this configuration!

Shafrir 2 AAM on display at National Aviation Museum in El Salvador in 2002:

The Shafrir 2 exhibit in its current state, most recent of images is from 2 years ago:
and would you look at that, right next to the front of a Ouragan turned into an exhibit… I wonder what that could imply… (if anyone lives in El Salvador and wants to grab a pic of that Plaque next to it, you’d be my hero!)
The article cites the following sources: (which I may need to get my hands on in the near future 👀)
HISTORY OF THE SALVADORAN AIR FORCE – Douglas Alcides Cornejo Escobar (2002) – ISBN: 99923-0-076-0
HISTORY WITH METAL WINGS (1790 – 1986) – Marco Antonio Argumedo Najarro (2016) – ISBN: 978-99961-0-513-5
AEROTECHNICIANS’ INCREDIBLE STORIES – Herard Von Santos / José Jesús Castillo Blandón (2014) – ISBN: 978-99961-0-402-2
Sidenote: kewl pics of No.713 and No.714
Anyway, that’s all for now, hope you all enjoyed my findings!