Large Chaff Nerf?

Has there been a nerf to the effectiveness of large chaff?
Used to be able to decoy ARH and SARH missiles extremely easily with a simple notch+Turn cold and 1 puff of chaff, now it seems that you need multiple puffs and the notch zone where they are effective is smaller.

As a result I am being hit a lot more by SARH or ARH missiles even when flying a veyr agressive defence.
My missiles are also hitting a lot more frequently and tracking planes that were flying defensively when they used to be guaranteed to lose track of any plane that made a simple 90-120 degree turn away.


Yeah as of right now chaff is completely useless even against some earlier radar missiles such as r3r and 530F.

It seems to be a bug

Chaff has always been incredibly poor, what was decieving people was that ARH was so vulnerable to chaff it made chaff appear useful, what they seem to have done is give ARH missiles similar IRCCM tech against chaff, which now shows how useless chaff is in game.

radars are bugged now ignoring chaff and notching is less reliable

It’s currently bugged, I believe a fix is on they way if it hasn’t arrived already.

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