Everyone except the USSR, I think. They don’t actually have much to offer when it comes to recoilless rifle armed Jeep-like vehicles. The closest I’ve personally seen are the GAZ-TK, which is a truck, and a super old 1930’s car fitted with a 152mm recoilless rifle.
+1 for Aussie vehicles in the U.S TT
+1 For an ANZAC/CAN-ANZAC TT or UK sub-tree.
Nah. This would be U.S TT, not UK
USSR and Italy currently have the monopoly on WW2 truck mounted guns though unless I’m forgetting something. Even though Portees in British Empire service (so Canada and Australia as well being big contributors to those numbers) were very common.
USSR could probably steal one from the Warsaw Pact countries like with the Praga, lol.
Absolutely smooth, no thoughts.
Britain mains are always such goofy goobers lol.
Hey I prefer arguing this subject with you to others.
Nah a British vehicle in Australian service, carrying a British service RR of US origin is definitely not a US TT vehicle. Here we slide seamlessly again into the same argument of “where ANZAC”, completely disregarding the fact that 16 of 17 vehicles currently in game with the Operator Country of either Australia or New Zealand are in the UK TT. I will advocate heavily for their official recognition as UK subtrees without shame, as I can guarantee you almost every AUS/NZ player prefers.
The USA is and will remain a critical ally of all Commonwealth nations collectively and individually, but the logical home TT of ANZAC service vehicles is the UK TT as they all originate from it politically and militarily.
Aussie vehicle in Aussie service with American gun.
100% should go to the british tree.
why US main always so greedy about vehicles from the Commonwealth? :/
FVEY (Canada, ANZAC, and UK) subtree to the US when. lol
Canadian Leopard built by German added to German TT.
Aussie Abrams built by US added to US TT.
but Aussie Gun buggy built by UK will not added to UK TT.
Because USA built recoilless-rifle on them.
100% Genius.
Better than any other meme tank that’s for sure!
They should all come in, would love to see it.
I mean it stated this was used in Vietnam I assume the US jeep one as well. But I’ll take some Aussie Bias and implement the Aussie one first 😂
They should have all the data needed to make them.
Its a bloody land rover mate thats like claiming ford to be italian