LaGS: I like lasers

Oh, that one.
It wasn’t how i usually see janes (books or scans). Hence, i didn’t realise what you meant by article.

please put it in the game +10000

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That‘s interesting, never heard of an air-to-ground AIM-9L

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The americans tested the aim-9x against ground targets as well, the IRIS-T has also been used in an air to ground role.
But these are currently testing.
I doubt they will be emplyed as such.
The LaGS will because the aim-9L is an old missile and outdated.

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Quite fun, just can not wait to see this tricky missiles in game.
BTW, if missiles nowadays equiped with composite guide head, as you said so.

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Meme weapon for the Tornado, why not

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Not 9Ls but the US also had the AGM-87 Focus and AGM-122 Sidearm, air-to-ground AIM-9B/C respectively

didnt know it was also heli launched

As I’m aware of there is one variant of sidewinder used as ARM, but I almost forgot its name, the AGM112? I dont know.

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Yes AGM-122 SideArm

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It looks like an AIM9B, lol

its actually a repurposed aim-9c

Yeah, it is.