Lag Spikes and/or Latency problems

I’m playing on a desktop computer that is about 8 years old. It is running Widows 10 Home Pro x64. My computer has an I5 cpu and I installed an AMD RX-590 gpu in it a few years ago. I have a “wired” connection to an AT&T Modem/Router (Fiber-1,000Gb/s). My problem is that whenever I get to a point in the game where the screen gets busy (planes, bullets, terrain moving around), I get these lag spikes/latency problems. I move my mouse, and there is a 1-2 second delay before the screen “catches up” and my plane moves in sync with my mouse movement. After 2 seconds, I regain control until the next spike. The delay has caused me to crash into the ground, and miss dogfight turns, and eventually leads to my getting shot down. I have tried overclocking my gpu, turning off some services, and I updated Windows 10. Nothing makes the problem go away. Any ideas as to what I can try next?

You mentioned overclocking your GPU, but your GPU is actually perfectly good to run the game and have decent graphics without.

Do you have a HDD drive? This will need to be swapped out for a SSD immediately, even a cheap £30 one will change everything.

You did not mention how much RAM you have and what type, could need an upgrade.

The i5 is a decent CPU but if it is many generations old, that will definitely need an upgrade.

Unfortunately I don’t know how the hell an AT&T “wired” modem works, but I don’t get lag this bad on shared student WiFi so it’s probably not the issue.

Also, you might want to check task manager to see if you have any unfamiliar programs taking a large amount of resources in the background.