"La Torbida" italian decal.

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“La Torbida” decal.



At the end of 1940, Italy sent a small aeronautical expeditionary force, the Italian Air Corps (C.A.I.), to support the Luftwaffe’s air operations against the RAF over the skies of England. One of the main aircraft used by this corps was the well-known Fiat B.R.20. Various B.R.20Ms were also used, which differ from the classic B.R.20 in some technical improvements. One of these bombers, numbered 3-6, belonged to the 3rd Squadron of the 43rd Group of the 13th Wing, and was operational during the CAI operations. In April 1941 this plane was photographed together with its crew before departure. On the fuselage of this example a very ironic distinctive sign was painted by the crew, namely a well-known Disney character, Pete, known in Italy by the name of Pietro Gambadilegno due to his wooden leg, represented holding a throwing bomb in his hand and a revolver. Not very unexpectedly, Disney’s lawyers made complaints about this improper use of their characters (there were also other drawings of Disney characters on Italian planes), but they always went in vain because no one took much interest in the event.

The decal.

The decal is quite simple: Pete is clearly running, with a small throwing bomb in his right hand and a revolver in his left. He also has a bandaged eye, patched trousers and a blue sleeveless jacket.
Furthermore, on the left of the drawing there is the writing “La Torbida”, probably the crew’s affectionate nickname for the plane or flight group.

Pictures and drawnings.






La Regia Aeronautica nella battaglia d’Inghilterra
Corpo Aereo Italiano - Wikipedia
43º Stormo - Wikipedia).
Corpo Aereo Italiano sulla Manica


Yes! Yes! A million times yes! I want Pete in the game!!!

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