KORKUT SPAAG- Hailing From Turkey

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Hello and welcome to my suggestion thread. Today, I would like to suggest a vehicle that I’ve suggested before in the old forums, but I will do so again since it has not been suggested here before- the KORKUT SPAAG from Turkey.


Developed to replace aging M42A1 Duster SPAAGs in Turkish service, the KORKUT SPAAG is a SPAAG system based on the ACV-30 Turkish APC and an unmanned turret containing two 35mm Oerlikon autocannons. The system is amphibious and can independently acquire, track and engage targets. Turkey’s armed forces- to this day the sole operator of the system- have a grand total of 42 in their inventory.


Before the KORKUT, Turkey operated ancient, US-supplied M42A1 Duster SPAAGs that were rapidly showing their age in the modern era (being conceived at a time before threats such as drones or missiles were commonplace). To replace these Dusters, FNSS and ASELSAN jointly developed the KORKUT system in 2016, with the Turkish Armed Forces signing a contract for 40 systems. By 2023, the Turkish have 42, and the KORKUT has seen action in the chaos at Libya following Qadaffi’s death, where Turkey intervened militarily. In addition, Indonesia has shown interest in the KORKUT, although no contracts have been signed.

The KORKUT is built on the FNSS-developed ACV-AD platform, and is powered by a 600hp engine. This SPAAG was designed to protect mechanized troops and mobile combat units against aerial threats such as UAVs, helicopters, planes, and missiles. If desired, it can also turn its 35mm cannons to ground targets to tear them apart in short order, especially soft targets such as infantry or light vehicles.

The centerpiece to the KORKUT is the unmanned remotely-operated turret, armed with two Oerlikon KDC-02 35mm cannons (despite the fancy name, these are licence-produced Oerlikon GDFs). The guns are equipped with two-plane stabilizers to enable on-the-move firing, and each gun fires at 550 rounds per minute, for a total fire rate of 1100 rounds per minute, up to a range of 4km. The KORKUT can carry 400 rounds total, and is compatible with various 35x228mm ammunition including ASELSAN’s homegrown ATOM airburst ammunition.

While they usually operate in batteries of three plus a command/control vehicle with integrated search radar (with a target detection range of 70km), the Korkut is perfectly capable of autonomous operation; in this regard, the guns are aided by an onboard Ku-band 3D fire-control radar (the one at the top of the vehicle) with a target detection range of 30km. In addition, the KORKUT possesses a thermal camera and laser rangefinder.

The KORKUT system is built on the ACV-30 chassis and as a result shares its powerplant; a 400hp engine mated to an automatic transmission, capable of propelling the KORKUT to a speed of 65kph (40mph). An auxiliary power unit is provided onboard to ensure that the systems onboard remain powered even when the engine is off. The KORKUT is fully amphibious and can propel itself while swimming with two water jets.

A crew of 3-4 men operate the KORKUT vehicle. They are all seated in the hull (as the turret is unmanned). While the KORKUT is protected against small arms fire and artillery shrapnel (as well as NBC protection for the crew), the KORKUT is not heavily armored and is not intended to fight off tanks.


While the best fit for this is in the Turkish tree (obviously), the tree is nonexistent in-game at the moment and it may be a long time before we even see it, if at all.

However, the KORKUT is a viable addition to the US tree, positioning itself as an alternative to the 9.0 M247 Sergeant York. The Sergeant York has an M48 chassis (which obviously has heavier armor, so it will- at least frontally- shrug off rounds fired at the chassis that would just shred a KORKUT), has bigger individual rounds (having L70 Bofors guns as its main armament), plus more ammo (580 vs 400). However, the KORKUT is faster (65kmh vs 48kmh), amphibious (rarely relevant in-game, but hey ho), and the 35mm cannons have a higher rate of fire (550 individual vs 240-300 individual).

I think this will fit right in around 8.3-9.0; why I put it here, because it has modern airburst rounds that other Oerlikon GDF-armed SPAAGs don’t get. It certainly wouldn’t fit with the M163, as it has no airburst rounds, but it’s also nowhere near the LAV-AD either. On the other hand, like I said, it is a perfect alternative to the M247 Sergeant York, with its own set of strengths and weaknesses compared to the M247.




A KORKUT battery with two SPAAGs and a central command-and-control vehicle (the one in the middle).
KORKUT SPAAG demonstrating its amphibious capabilities. I just hope the turret doesn’t bonk the guy peeking out.
The KORKUT in action, somewhere in Libya where the Turkish have intervened.


KORKUT - Wikipedia
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Yes,it is an excelent suggestion.

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Very well done suggestion, definitely +1 from me. I can offer some additional information for your post:

Well first and foremost, ACV-30 is redesigned as ACV-AD (Armored Combat Vehicle - Air Defence).

400 horsepower engine has no proper source whatsoever. I have one primary source, one of older FNSS’ own brochure and one secondary source, DefenceTurkey magazine.

FNSS Brochure

DefenceTurkey Magazine

Same brochure also states that ACV-AD/ACV-30 following specifications:

  • Crew of Three
  • 20 hp/t Power/Weight Ratio
  • Combat Weight of 29.5 Tons
  • Night Vision System for Driver
  • STANAG Level IV Armor Protection

AKR Radar has Search function as it is stated on ASELSAN brochures. It should be noted Turkish and English versions of brochures are slightly different on Search function. Turkish brochure directly states that AKR has search function as well as Sector Search (whatever is that means) while English version mentions search function as “it can detected separate targets” as well as Sector Search. So it indeed does has Search thus KORKUT Air Defense Gun System can search skies even without KORKUT Command & Control Vehicle albeit with lower range as KORKUT CCV has MAR Radar.

AKR Brochure in Turkish

AKR Brochure in English


So it does have search after all! Good to know! I will be updating my entry in the Baghdad Pact tree promptly.

As for the vehicle itself, it gets a +1 from me!


I want to See this Vehicle With the Turkish Tech Tree in the Game so +1 from me

+1 for Türkiye

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