Komatsu LAV - Type 01 LMAT On-Board Firing - ''Death From Above''

Japan getting all the fun fast vehicle lmao

Just you wait until you find out about new short-sam for JSDF

I looked up ’ short-sam for JSDF’ and its just pic of type 93

It’s not out yet so it will be harder to find then that

I’ve got a little another numbers
~140 m/s with 920m and 5.8 sec travel time
And 3 seconds of engine work

Im using a timer set with video record editing basically i cut the initial run of the missile and start counting when the missile has the second backblast leading to My 5.67 second mark since normally it would be between 5.78 or 5.76, the engine lasts an exactly 3.7 seconds with an extra .26 seconds of startup thrust


Gonna need source bro

there is no sources but i have videos and a screenshot with official basic data of it, i used for the missile


did some extra check ups with some info like what type of fuel it uses and air density at sea level Missile weight (initial): 11.4 kg
Missile length: 970 mm (0.86 meters)
Missile diameter: 140 mm (0.14 meters)
Total time to target: 5.67 seconds
Distance to target: 1000 meters
Time to burn all fuel: 3.7 seconds
Drag coefficient: 0.226
Cross-sectional area : 0.0154 m²
Air density : 1.225 kg/m³ (at sea level)
Average speed: 176.39 m/s
Total thrust required: 559.09 N
Thrust per second: 151.1 N/s
2.23 kg of solider rocket fuel
considering all this i think the missile does in fact have 4km range, but its very hard to know specially cuz the missile seems to cut fuel burning at half way to the target depending at what distance is it from the target, so a target at 4000 meters would cut the fuel burning at 9.78 seconds mark, technically this would give it enough range to surpass the 5000 meter mark but without counting on other factors such as wind and that stuff, cut it at 4000 meters wich is a more reallistic mark
this may look absurd but the javeling its much heavier and has almost the same ammount of fuel as the Type 01 lmat, and only thing limiting its ranges is its own top attack arch being of over 70 degrees for the Javelin


+1 this is needed vis Japan lacks of atgm carriers