KNM Storm

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KNM Storm - Storm class

in the picture we see the sistership KNM Glimt, wich is a identical vessel in this class, here as a Missile torpedoboat

BUILDING SITE: Bergens Mekaniske Verksteder, Laksevåg
LAUNCHED: 6 October 1967
HOIST COMMAND: 28 November 1967


GUNBOAT 1967-1970


1x 76mm Bofors cannon
1x 40mm Bofors cannon



1x 76mm Bofors cannon
1x 40mm Bofors cannon
6x Penguin missiles

Displacement: 145 ton
Hull: Steel
Length: 36.5m
Width: 6.2m
Depth: 1.7m
Crew: 19 men

Eigne: 2x Maybach Deiseleignes
Power: 7.200 BHK
Speed: 36 knots

1970: Equipped with 6x Penguin missiles and changes designation from gunboat to missile torpedo boat
1983: Command canceled in October
1983: Redeployed and used for different purposes under the designation VSD 11
2001: Sold to Index Fartøybevaring, new name Storm Senior

Our MTBs had made an excellent effort from bases in Great Britain during the Second World War. The small vessels formed a large number of platforms for torpedoes with such high explosive power that they constituted a decisive weapon against much larger vessels. with high speed and a certain anti-aircraft capacity, the vessels also had usable self-protection. after the war we hosted a number of these (D-class), and we also took over a number of ex-German E-boats, but these were all marked by their war service. In the early 1950s, it was not obvious that the navy would invest in a mobile archipelago defence. some thought we should invest in destroyers, which in cooperation with our allies would face a threat to our coast already out on the open sea. the inner coastal defense was believed to be left to the coastal artillery, which had taken over a number of forts and cannon positions from the occupying power

No joint Allied Atlantic force had yet been established, and with our limited resources it was gradually realized that we had to replace the war-weary MTB ones. people were divided in their views on whether a separate Norwegian hull type should be developed, or whether one should go for an existing one. trials with a Norwegian construction, led by Shetland veteran Harald Henriksen, had already begun. The Admiralty had such great faith in this that in May 1951 they chose to buy 10 nicely used torpedo boats from the USA on favorable terms, while they waited. When Henriksen’s proposal was fully developed into a planing wooden hull with four torpedoes, this resulted in us getting six new MTBs of the RAPP class until 1955. but RAPP was never a success, which was primarily blamed on the fact that it was based on petrol engines by Packard.

Henriksen started with an improved RAPP version, but then Westermoen Hydrofoil S/S with designer Jan Linge appeared with an alternative concept, Nasty, based on Napier Deltic diesel engines. Nasty was considered to have both safety and operational advantages, and it was considered easier to mass produce. When it was now urgent to scrap the remaining D-classes and Elco-classes, in 1958 they agreed to build 12 of these, which later received the more Norwegian-sounding name Tjeld-class. they had a 40mm Bofors aft and a 20mm forward, but with its four torpedoes it was still very much a torpedo boat



The cost-sharing and material support we received from the Americans when our war-captured vessels were singing their last verse enabled us to maintain a strong naval defense well into the Cold War era. a basic idea was that we should go from being a mobilization navy to becoming a standby navy. we were supposed to be “small but many”. Of the 50 new vessels, a total of 28 were to be fast patrol vessels. Of these, eight were to be an extension of the already introduced torpedo boats of the Tjeld class, while the remaining 20 were to be gunboats. the background for the fleet plan being based on separate weapon carriers for HHV torpedoes and guns was the assessment of possible invasion scenarios. one possibility was that the enemy would enter with a number of smaller vessels, including troop vessels with weak reinforcements. then small, fast vessels with rapid-firing cannons would be an effective defence, while the powerful torpedoes should be used against larger targets. of course, other situations in the assertion of sovereignty could also be imagined, where a reaction with cannon would be less escalating than an attack with torpedoes. The 40 and 20 mm cannon, which could fit on a torpedo vessel, were not considered sufficiently deterrent, and a larger and faster cannon was believed to have to have a self-developed platform anyway.

Båt Service in Mandal was now involved in the development of a new cannon boat hull, and they came up with a wooden hull which was named Naughty, and which also had a lot in common with Nasty. At the same time, the Norwegian Ship Inspectorate engaged Harald Henriksen to work further on his ideas. The cannon envisioned was a 75mm fully automatic Bofors, newly developed for the Swedish coastal artillery. Henriksen’s new construction was built around this cannon. he moved away from a planing wooden hull to a displacement hull, which would provide the necessary stability the cannon needed. although it was still early in the development of small sea-target missiles, the hull also provided opportunities for a later integration of such. it went beyond speed, but it also made it possible for the hull to be built in steel. with two Maybach diesel engines it gave a speed of more than 30 knots, and the 19-man crew could have a relatively comfortable time on board. The Storm hull was so well sealed that both the later Snøgg class and the Hauk class were built with this as a starting point

There were also other new requirements that were put in for the storm class. in line with various cold war scenarios, great emphasis was placed on antibiological and chemical protection (ABC protection). this meant that both the pub and the superstructure were to be closed. it should be possible to carry out an efficient flushing of any radioactive fallout, and there should no longer be sneeze valves on the forward side, except on the bridge. it made great demands on the ventilation system, which was also supposed to create an overpressure, a gas castle. there was a requirement that two watertight bulkheads could be filled without the vessel going down. the superstructure was developed in fiberglass-reinforced plastic, which would cause less damage in the event of a direct hit, and which was also more maintenance-free. the main gun on the foredeck was also under such a shield. the major innovation was that it was fully automatic, and that it could shoot without crews on deck, which of course increased the utilization of the vessels in bad weather. it was also somewhat modified from the original 75mm to 76mm, so that the same ammunition could be used as on the US 3 inch guns we would use on frigates and corvettes. The new guns also required a modern fire control system, and here the Hollandse Signal Apparatus HOSA was chosen, both for frigates, submarines and gunboats. HOSA had a digital computer, and the Navy thus entered the computer world in earnest. The Storm class, with its HOSA M26, did not get anti-aircraft target tracking on the radar like the frigates got with their M22 system. therefore, the Storm class had the half-dome dome shape, while the frigates’ fire-landing radars were hidden in their distinctive HOSA dome. both received gyro-stabilized, optical sights, which for the Storm class could control and fire the main cannon on the foredeck if the HOSA computer was not operational. on the aft deck you got a standard 40mm Bofors L70 primarily for air defence

In the development work with the new vessels in the Fleet Plan, the navy had associated Norwegian shipyards, and Bergen’s Mekaniske Verksted-BMV had received the development contract for the gunboats, obviously in close cooperation with the Navy’s Ship Planning. it was then also BMV which in February 1962 was given the task of building the prototype of the new vessel class. this was handed over on 31 May 1963 and was given the name “Storm”. Storm underwent very thorough tests which, among other things, led to some strengthening of the hull and adjustments to the superstructure to give a better overview. it was so accepted that after testing it was decommissioned and placed in buoy at Haakonsvern, where it was later used for various tests.

BMV also prepared the final construction drawings and construction specifications as a basis for open Norwegian tendering in February 1964. 7 workshops submitted tenders, but none could outbid BMV, which was awarded the contract for the construction of all 20 vessels. There was a requirement for a high delivery rate, and BMV entered into an agreement with Westermoens Hydrofoil A/S in Mandal for a sub-delivery of six of the vessels. The navy itself was responsible for the delivery of propulsion machinery, weapons, navigation and radar equipment. Harald Henriksen became the Navy’s project manager. where he later joined Westermoens, where he actively participated in the development of their fast-moving catamarans. Launching and delivery then proceeded steadily over a hectic two-year period, and by the end of 1967 the last one, which was also named Storm, was delivered. The gunboats then successively entered the new TKB squadrons (tactical boat squadron) together with the torpedo boats of the Tjeld class.

It was considered a weakness that the torpedoes were our only so-called decisive weapon. Missiles had been developed in NATO, but none that could be fired from such small vessels as our new gunboats. As early as 1961, the Defense Research Institute had been asked to investigate the possibilities of developing such an anti-ship missile. The development continued under the auspices of Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk, and in 1966 they had come so far that they could slowly start a trial

Another four years passed before they were satisfied with what was to be called the Penguin Mk.1. The missile had a range of 25km, and it was steered towards the target through a combination of received data before launch and a built-in, passive, infrared target seeker in the last phase before impact. From the early 1970s, the Storm class then received foundations for 6 such launch boxes for the Penguin missile. with its new decisive weapon, it was now possible to solve given missions to a greater extent while the vessels were still invisible to the enemy behind islets and reefs, and this of course also affected tactics and the exercise pattern.

still the main task of the Storm class was anti-invasion defense in coastal waters. important in all practice was navigation at high speed in narrow waters and a good knowledge of the archipelago along the entire coast. they were thus regularly up and down the coast. it was not until 1979 that one of the squadrons got a permanent home base in Tromsø. during the often tough voyages, with high speed and pounding, it was difficult for the crew to get any kind of rest. the commander, usually a young lieutenant, stayed mostly on the bridge. they normally therefore went to the dock every night to sleep. thus they became well known, even in the smallest fishing villages along the coast. the crews slept on a banjer in front, and the commanders saved each night up the sofa benches in the fore and aft commander’s mess, respectively. only the chief had his own cabin. they had a clear ship and exercises in shooting, barracks, casualty and gas attack every day, and regularly they also practiced with other vessels and the coastal artillery. however, shooting with Penguin became a rarity, primarily for financial reasons. logistical conditions entailed a certain geographical limitation of the exercise pattern, and although in periods we have operated together with mother vessels, this has never been considered a fully satisfactory concept. a fixed high point that was very important to maintain was the participation in Bold Game which was a joint exercise with Danish, German and English MBTs, often in the Baltic Sea

Nor could the Storm class last forever. we had received newer MTBs in the Snøgg class 6x and Hauk class 14x. the threat picture changed, and in addition the economy forced us to reduce the number of vessels. some of the vessels had been exposed to accidents, which to some extent must be expected with such an operational concept. the propulsion machinery, which was regularly pushed to the limit of its performance, had become an operating financial burden. the other vessels in the storm class were decommissioned from the early 1990s. a good number of them were eventually taken over by the newly independent Baltic countries. It was decided to keep KNM Blink as a museum vessel. it is now located in the Magazine Canal within the Marine Museum, where it is open to the public.

Kongsberg Penguin MK 1/2 SSM Rockets


Here s an article from FFI- Forsvarets Forsknings Institutt (Norwegian Defense Research Institute)

this also show some very interesting and explaining in details videos

(The Norwegian penguin can fly)

Type: littoral anti-ship missile
Place of origin: Norway
Service history: In service 1972-present
Manufacturer/developer: Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace

Mass: 385 kg (MK2)
Length: 3.0 m (MK2)
Diameter: 28 cm
Warhead: 120 kg (MK2)
Detonation mechanism: delay fuze
Engine: Solid propellant sustainer
Wingspan: 1.4 m (MK2)
Operational range: 34+ km (MK2)
Flight altitude: sea skimming
Maximum speed: high subsonic
Guidance system: pulse-laser, passive IR (MK2)
Launch platform: naval ships, helicopters (MK2)





storm klassee — ImgBB


Norske marinefartøy - samtlige norske marinefartøy 1814-2008 og marinens flygevåpen 1912-1944 | ARK Bokhandel
Fylkesbaatane – Om saluttkanoner - Kulturhistorisk leksikon
90 år under rent norsk orlogsflagg -
Kongsberg Terne

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This would be the top coastal boat for Sweden/Norway/Finland by a mile. That armament is crazy! +1


lol. +1


Early gun only configuration would be an easy fit. Penguins would be too OP but give a nice option for a future upgrade .

Also an excuse to add Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania to the WT family as they all received donated boats? At least have them as skins.


Yes, it would 👌
Don’t think the game is ready yet for modern fire and forget missiles xd wouldn’t be safe, as the missile should be able to fire over terrain/islands, headlands or islets

Yep, a couple countries gos some of the vessels, i don’t know qbout all of them righ now but k believe some of them were modified with different armament, so they could be added in a relevant tree for their nation👌