Love how all the light tanks Britain needs are only just now getting passed to the developers…
No, Magic 2 range is almost half than PL9 probably
Depends, PL-9C? Yes it has a dual band seeker capable of flair rejection. The versions before that tho I’m not so sure, should basically be improvements over the current PL-5C were about too get, which is slightly better than the 9L
its here, bye guys
Finally we can talk about British jets in the next RR
I guess that is a bye to this thread
see yall!
Ha yes, gimme that Mirage 4000 !
Should even be already here to me, not a plane for fox3
Also a cool SPAA, all nice.
New Leopard 2 for Germany and fighter for Britain and Sweden to discuss.
Next R&R is going to be good from the start.
See you on the next one!!
I notice the boost to other nations research is still yet to come, why has it been delayed?
Maybe they’re rethinking how ass it was, cosidering it applies to the first three matches of the day only.
wait legit? I thought it was going to be a blanket system that increases the gains across the board not just for a few matches, because at most in 3 matches with premium and a premium you can get around 16k so if only that gets boosted then it is ass, and that is in air, ground RP gains are a joke
That’s how they’ve announced it, it could change tho.
Yeah wtf. That’s terrible. I’m pretty sure they advertised the bonus for new nations as permanent. And not they just conveniently not mention it anywhere. That would have been the best economy change of all.
EDIT: Nvm then.
that is utterly horrid, why not just have a smaller permanent boost for every nation that you have gotten to top to assist in the grind
3 games?? Wtf