Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

You can’t keep raising the BR bar every update
They have to tend to naval, ground and non-gen-4 jet air as well

They can do all of the above, as they already are? I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

Idk this to me make more sense as they can add solo SA stuff to that tech tree.
Plus not over doing the main British one

I partially agree. I would love to see naval get a total overhaul, and yeah, much needs TLC in the air line too.

But they also cant leave nations like Britain with 11.3s to fight 12.3s. This hole has one way out, increase everyone to 12.7. At Which point, well… at which point we are extremely close to EFT and I want me EFT. But at that point, yeah, they could and probably should take a breather at top tier air


I really need to make a suggestion on this

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the EFT is only coming out when America and ussr are like a br above it

Yeah… DA2 vs F22s is not going to be fun. But as long as it has blackjack skin, i’ll be happy


yeah by the time we get it will properly be begging for f35 to save us

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That’s basically the point I’m making @KhorneFlakez1337 . We have nations that are waiting for their own aircraft to be added but it requires forward progression on BRs, the longer we wait, the longer those nations sit idly by.

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Oh, I’m sorry, for how long has naval been in its current state? When did the top BR of ground vehicles rise the last time? Have they ever really taken a look into helicopters beyond introducing them?

Ever since the F-14 came out the updates were about 80% aircraft focussed

The game used to be 100% air focused

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I wonder if they originally meant to roll all of this out along with the 2S1’s and the VIDAR for it’s own update, but then decided to move the 2S1’s and VIDAR to the Hungarian release.

Yeah, the game used to about ww2 and cold war tops as well

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That unfortunately, was never going to last…

why didn’t the uk scrap the tornado we could of been rocking f14s


Yeah, the thing is tho, we are still playing with the same objectives and gamemodes, despite having jets that aren’t really meant to be used the way they are used ingame

They keep adding content to Air/Ground/Sea, so I don’t see your point beside not liking the current state.

That’s kinda THE point lol. Air was neglected for so long while ground was pretty far ahead. Gen 4s are highly requested and desired and are increasingly the reason people end up picking up War Thunder. Once most/all nations are caught up with their own competitive gen 4s, they’ll move to ground or naval to start leaping in tech. Heck we’re already kinda there with ground as they’ll mostly likely end up moving current top tier into rank 8.

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From what I understand. Tornado ADV was only ever meant to be a stop-gap but then when it started costing too much money to get it working, rather than calling it quits and admitting defeat, they just doubled down. Why also the FA2 was scrapped so early. Despite arguably being the better platform.

Though, Tornado F3 was fine, the issue is the WT context. It was meant for a squadron flying in formation slamming with BVRs.

Does anyone know what’s happened with that missile data chart? It said that it’s been delete