Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

You might expect aircraft 12.3 toptier at rank 8 in great britain tech tree from Royal Air Force & Royal navy only ?

Dev & stuff might not be ready consider Typhoon DA2 & FA.2 from Royal Air Force Q4 (october-december) this year

But I believe that might consider add battleship rank 5 premium pack and new battleship in rank 6 from Royal Navy

lol, its not letting me sign in

Only aircraft i think we’ll get this year is Sea Harrier FA2.

Theres got to be more than that

Unless we get commonwealth stuff like Gripen from SA or Mig29 from India. Then only sane native options are SHar FA2, BAE hawk (i dont think would top tier due to flight performance) or Typhoon DA2.

Harrier Gr9 is somewhat pointless now Gr7 has 9M and i think its too early for Brimstone. Could come now, but not really sure what other meaningful differences there would be at this time except maybe sniper pod?

Tornado Gr4 is the same. Not a huge amount of value till Brimstone and ideally needs ASRAAM as well.

Only other things i could see is Tornado gr1 being finished, maybe with Gr1B upgrade

There are a couple lower tier addition that would be good too. Jaguar Gr3A, Vulcan, Buc S2B, etc. But none would be higher than 11-11.3

Better than this boring subtree discission of who is collecting most foreign tech for his own tree from around the world. Like we all need Brit (India) Mig-29 in the sky.

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I keep getting fatal error since the game downloaded a 4mb mini-patch like 20 mins ago. Now I cant enter the game, crashes everytime I click PLAY.

aka commonly known as a joke but then mains don’t have humour don’t they

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Oh hey, just like T-80BVM, just turret is the one that’s lolpenned instead of the hull.
Also, not 3 years. 1 year at most, since you have to take into account the other tech trees that were playing catch up to 2A6.

In other rumors: Next update rank 8 ground with 2A7+ for Germany & Hungary, or air update with F-4F ICE, F-15s & Gripens. Mmmm.

Russia truly suffers. The players are just gods and manage to get a 80% winrate with the worst vehicles which should all be max 10.0. All other nation mains are simply garbage


It’s a normal thing that happens every time it’s mentioned. But I think Thailand can still be a sub tree.


I think the best option for a Japanese sub-tree would be South Korea, allows for more variety and also some nice top tier AA


But Korea really deserves it’s own TT


I think so aswell, but I doubt it would happen

Since Oxy said something about German tank for Hungary I will list some here.


Marder II


Pz. IV F-1
Pz. IV F-2
Pz. IV H

Stug III G

Tiger E



Equipment for Germany

When Italy (Hungary lol) gets all this stuff, you might just delete Germany out of the game. This is nonsense.

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Oh stop it we don’t even have a historic match maker anymore.
And now Hungary is part of Italy which Italy already got some German vehicles.
It won’t make a difference part from the Tiger and Panther will be able to do the heavy tank challenge

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Also when

Nah doubt it. Netherlands maybe, hypothetically speaking.

If Belgium were to be a sub tree, hypothetically speaking, they would be far more likely to go to France.

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