I don’t have enough buttons on KBM XD
Well if my F-14B bug report ever gets read then ECM would be practically useless against it.
AAM-3 would only bump EJ Kai’s BR. It would only become less effective at higher BR. Completely pointless addition.
Prehaps half and half, keep radar lock till its really close and then turn away to defend at the last second might be good, so its semi-intertially guided. But at the least the same will be true in reverse in ARH to ARH
Such as…?
Yeah Tornado engines are notably sub-par for a fighter aircraft. Is there anything IRL that the Tornado has as an edge over the F-14D? To me it seems as if the Tornado is just worse by every metric?
I’m not very knowledgeable about how this new fangled equipment works, all I know is click the pew pew button and I might get a kill
Brazil would be perfect for an Italian sub tree for example, would provide many unique vehicles, but now that’s too late.
Not the original guy but if i’m not mistaken the most modern Brazilian tank would’ve been the EE-1 Osorio but thats half built by Vickers and never entered service.
EE-T1/2 would be 10.3 max
The most modern vehicle Brazil bought (last year) is the Centauro 2
That’s what I mean, I can’t think of anything top tier worthy for Brazil. Its better than their Leopard 1’s and M60’s but not top tier worthy. I believe they have some Centauro’s too but again not top tier worthy.
I just want the AMX series of aircraft smh
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