That, and…Canadian vehicles just feel far more inline with the nations aesthetic than say, a swedish jet from south africa.
Its a bit or a hoop jump if we get SAAF but for F18? We already have the capability in game that would make it at home
Deep breath
YAK 141 I mean wha
I was gone for 5 hours and that is still going?
Ehm actually make that 9 if you also count your low rank japanese tree.
They all deserved it. They were a pain in the ass to kill in downtiers.
Me when I cant seal club anymore
F-15C/J/Baz and MiG-31 would be nice.
Projecting is a beautiful thing isn’t it.
You know you are the clown here, you just wish you weren’t.
Yes the keyboard warrior is still at it
MiG-25 or 31 would be cool for sure. Not meta at all, but iconic. Its what USSR needs
Yeah, main reason I dont want SAAF or Indian stuff is because they have very different AAMs, Would feel really awkard and annoying to be swapping between radically different airframes and radically different AAM types. Now I know Sweden would be relatively similar, but no guanantees we’d get those as placeholders, might be older SAAF missiles
I might hope gajin consider add 3rd generation targeting pod on MiG-29SMT (9-19) because missing targeting pod now, new AGM-65 on AV-8B Plus (Marina Militare), F-16A Block 20 MLU & F-16C Block 50 and might consider early 3rd generation targeting pod new AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening replacement AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening II for F-16C Block 50 this major update
New aircraft for france maybe 3rd gen fighter from french navy or new Mirage 2000D with Thales Damocles pod & guidance GPS Air-to-Ground armament but limited guidance IR magic II
F-4EJ KAI should get guidance IR AAM with IRCCM
F-15A from IAF/IDF would be 12.3
I guess currently F-16A MLU missing Paveway II LGB, Sharpshooter & Pathfinder pod, AIM-9M-9 replacement AIM-9L and AIM-9P replace by all-aspect new AIM-9P
From a quick look also has good future proofing with the latest CF-18s having AESA radars 😳
says the one who want game balanced without russia
Select his profile, go top right and change normal to ignored. Though it his bedtime soon.
Yes? Tell me why they WOULDN’T deserve it. I am sure my 76 Jumbo should face IS-6s or IS-3s right?
I mean his IQ is 5 so expect Cr*p mems lol
You are the one who wants the game balanced without russia, as you want russia to be better than other nations.
I just want every nation to be balanced according to the same rules.