Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

hows that going, did the spiders babys get to you?


I will kill any who dare enter my safe space (My bedroom)

All women are safe then huh


Any spider is a dead spider

This kind of intruder of personall space would most likely not bother him

2023 Deathmisser Declared war on all Wasps and spiders that Invade the Bedroom

what about an Arachne?

Could you please be more specific?

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sadly yeah apparently just as much of an chaos as the Puma

More just a case of β€œwhen will you fix the bug?” without any actual context, means there is no answer to give.

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Yea I don’t like when people do that.

If he likes hentai and those wierd stuff, this will be his favourite visit

of course yeah, i meaned it in the way since there are so many it is hard to guess which one he might have meaned.

On good news seems like the Gepard 1A2 bug proxy stinger bug is fixed which is great news, wont need to annoy u with that one anymore

true, after all what are you supposed to answer

I hate anime with a purist passion.


they are cool, give them a try xD

Man, ARB not getting night battles is bumming me out rn

God no.

3d stop animation all the way thank you

can agree