Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Aka I have a victim complex

Are you counting sub trees and vehicles of countries not existing as a tree in game?

you guys have obsession with hate on russian vehicles, speaking all of the russian vehicles need massive BR nerf and remove many RU vehicles. make russia weaker like japan

lmao this was flagged

How lovely

Doesn’t really matter if its armour is trash does it? Its speed at 10.7+ is average at best and that’s its best quality. Leopards and Abram’s have more than 3 crew where’s the Chinese tanks and especially the MBT2000 only have 3.
Why even bother using the 2000 if the ZTZ99s exist at 10.7?

Asking for logic isn’t hating on a Russian vehicle stop changing the topic

you are still crying on RU vehicles

lmao this was flagged

At top tier most vehicles armor is “trash”, it always is first see first shoot

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Blah blah victim complex blah blah.


I think they were both the same situation. Purchased, strapped to the belly but not really intergrated. So it used the TIALD interface still. at least that is based upon Paul Tremmeling in his book

No I’m trying to understand you but it seems like I’m talking to a brick wall


@Smin1080p I’m glad to see the M82 get the velocity buff by why is it one or the other? Why can’t we get both variants of the M82, like other trees get for their APHE rounds?

That is typical to the british mod


I understand that updates are slow, but the very basic bug that FRECCIA’s camera will produce erroneous displacements when leaning against a wall has not been fixed yet.
At the same time, most of the bug fixes in KF41 only involve modifying a few armor thickness values. There is no technical difficulty, but Gaijin chose to ignore it.

Yep, thus the sticky notes :P

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Russia shouldnt get any interesting vehicles for 5 updates; Nerf RU Tanks armor, shells etc.

Thats how you talk and others about Russia in forum

Lol why is that? Because I have better logic and arguments than you?

So people who don’t agree with you and on who your victim card doesn’t work should be banned?

No changes for Hawker Hunters…
God thats painful.

The Su-122-54 and the ASU-85 are less popular than the german tank destroyers, might be some of the reason

That’s the point of BRs, all vehicles at their BR should be equally powerful. If one is stronger (Russia in your analogy) and one is weaker (Japan in your analogy), the stronger one should move up or the weaker should move down.

Russia should not be stronger, neither should any nation in the game.