I so Hope we get the BVRAAMs this Update
Dont get your hopes up to much it will probably be in the december update
Full roll out, probably, but still a chance of a few selected vehicles getting them this update as a soft roll out like we saw last year with top tier 9Ls
Are we finally getting a British vehicle that can Swim!? Oh how much I wanted something that could float in UK ground.
Bruh two days and two issues with devblogs
if I can feel like this about a devblog then god know what broken things will be in the update
Well while we wait, I just found this in the news, you need a subscription to read the full article but it seems the UK and Sweden will cooperate on Gripen E sales.
seems good, still that one event object needs to change
Its already over the half of October and what we’ve got is only one Devblog. Great
ah yes, the ufo
Does that mean we own this as well or ?
seems like they increased it to 9.0, but should be a tad bit higher
From what I can gather, Sweden and the United Kingdom just signed a defense agreement, I’m still searching if the UK plans to buy the Gripen E themselves or just help sell it. I’ll update as I find out more.
Probably release about this time next week or week after with 1-2 dev posts per day now going forward. usually can be quite a small update
Ah ok cheers m8.
That one is also moving to 9.0 in the new spreadsheet right?