You piqued my interest, continue
When has Gaijin staightforward denying the addition of something stopped people from spamming about it anyway and trying to justify it with semantics and technicalities?
Smin denied Eurofighters because “it’s far too early for any of them”, yet people still figured a way to keep talking about Eurofighter because “technically, he was referring to the production models, since pre-production models weren’t technically called Eurofighter as such”, as if it hadn’t been clear enough that Smin was referring to the outstanding flight performance even the earliest “non-Eurofighter” Eurofighter iterations enjoyed.
Smin denied a new nation coming anytime soon, yet people still figure ways to keep talking about new nations because “technically, he could be lying in order to keep the nation a secret till it’s officially announced”, etc.
Always doing mental gymnastics around the statements of the Gaijin staff members in order to justify not listening to them and keep acting like they didn’t say anything.
Yeah…Pandurs are really old…and still was funny as fuck accident
It will be the 30th anniversary of the first flight of the alpha jet soon, so …
When exactly?
He didn’t deny a new nation coming, he denied that a certain statement hinted at a new nation coming.
next week I think
the museum put out flyers for the AlphaJet Anniversary
Oct 26
I wasn’t quite sure but my thought was true
See, this is exactly what I mean with the semantics and technicalities.
Smin literally came in, stepped in and said, as I quote: “when talking about the future, it does not always mean the next major update or even this year. We can be hinting at things to come in the far future too. Perhaps don’t take things too literally.”
And yet, here we are, discussing whether “technically he didn’t really deny it, he only denied that certain statement was referring to it” or not. Isn’t Smin’s point clear enough? Do we need him to make a full statement denying each singular possible nation for the next update?
No we don’t.
Nor do we need to sign a whole checklist before talking about x subject that is currently of interest in the chat.
If people wish to talk about missiles, let then. If people wish to talk about balance, let them. If people with to talk about the potential of certain countries, let them.
This is a production model, not a prototype.
France had a prototype called: Larzac
Germany has: Ta-501 (Already shown)
I’m afraid it is.
This is the Rumor tread, and if you know anything about rumors it’s that they don’t necessarily require a basis.
Even still, there is a certain basis for nation rumors to arise, so I see no reason for this complaint.
Brother why do you remove the thing I was meant to respond to 😢
I am trying to add quotes but this Forum is weird and I am not managing well sorry xd
Yeah it’s bugged atm, no worries
Except that’s not how this topic works.
As stated at the very top of the topic:
“However, please AVOID these types of discussions: Wishlisting.
Vehicle spec discussions, such as armour, ammo, ordnance, guns, data sheets, performance. There’s plenty of threads for these discussions here .”
This topic is not a “talk about literally anything war-machinnery related” topic, it’s a topic with the purpose to divulge about content that may actually be coming the next major update.
Just to copy paste my previous answer:
I’m afraid it is.
This is the Rumor tread, and if you know anything about rumors it’s that they don’t necessarily require a basis.
Even still, there is a certain basis for nation rumors to arise, so I see no reason for this complaint.
Despite the statement you posted along with your response, this is basically what happens all the time and is being enforced by the forum moderators, so I see no issue with making use of the space given.
Would we get 2 devblogs today, since the one from yesterday had issues?