Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

general kenobi


i dont wanna wait longer i want to grind my AV8B plus

I have to wait Till friday, my own place got no Connection yet ;c

And I cannot buy anything anymore for WT, Bug report is out.

since we didn’t get it this update i’m certainly hoping for the JAS39 Gripen. (both JAS39A model as a 12.0 with about the same loadout as JA37D plus bombs, and JAS39C as maybe 13.0 with aim-120)
The JAS39A is long overdue since Sweden and Britain are the only two nations without a 12.0 jet.
It would also give Sweden a viable CAS at top tier GRB.
It would also be about time that Sweden got a 11.7 IFV in the form of something like a CV9035 MK-IV with spikes, auto tracking IR and barracuda IR-camo


14GO UPDAAATE i got20mb connection WHYYYY

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Right then guys. Time to hit part 3 this time, we got close but the German mains let us down


You German? Quite common here.

no im french



Some of the vehicles need to be removed because they already got added

hungary got MIG29 right?

They were carrying part 2 comment count with arguing about where the KF41 should have gone, but they stopped before hitting part 3 :P


These are for ships. I wouldn’t expect vehicles from these nations

which nations?

Don’t sorry since we German Mains are the ones being let down the most by Gaijin, there are plenty more pages to fill.

The weimar flag got added for ships to equip. It’s the new system

yeah sure for weimar but what about these nations

Aaaaaaand the topic is already being abused as a public message board lmao. Missile discussion incoming.

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Britain too, almost totally forgotten last update, I think we are going to need Typhoon next update to even slightly remain competitve now they’ve added 12.3s with Aim-9M

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