Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Fair enough, and yes, tis a very cool tank.

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There you go, thanks

Centauro I 120mm wrong turret specifications // // Issues

Centauro I 120mm incorrect engine power // // Issues

Centauro I 120mm incorrect operator flag // // Issues


I’ve updated your reports, I was able to forward only the Operator flag one as I sourced a photo of the Omani Centauro, the rest are not correctly sourced. Tank Encyclopaedia is not an acceptable source of information. And the Turret report, the document you referenced is for the MK.2 turret, but we have the Mk.1 in game.

shame hoped would be a sign for another twitch watch event

Thanks, for the moment i closed the one regarding the engine and updated the one about the turret, i opened a second one about two other italian vehicle if you would like to take a look, thank you again.

VBM Freccia and VCC Dardo should have a bigger mag size. // // Issues

again direct messages, i know next major update thread is pretty much a general chat at this point, but it definitly isnt the place to report bugs/suggestions

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Omg just why do people think like this ?

Oh I got an idea :P

i just find it funny that the 2 russians are the 2 biggest german fanboys


AGDUS combat simulation system. not an APS

geRMaN sUBTrEeS!!1!

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I think he must have been mistaken…
Because it was posted before anyone talked about that thing.

They are not Germany, it is truth… but pumas are always german

Oh, you are advocating for a NATO tech tree?

honestly for air at least a combined nato sub tree would be better, since most nation dont realy have anything left at this point

Every nation has many things to still be added.

They said nations participating in that task force as of 2023 should go to Germany in the tech tree. Its a very funny justification

Yeah, but i find the leap quite funny

ah yes 5 diferent typhoon version , that oh sooo great.
Most nations left, britain, germany, sweden, france will only get copy pasta aircrafts with slighty changed values nothing more

I’m not sure what about having more hardpoints and significantly more advanced missiles is “slightly changed”, but okay. And yes, that is “oh sooo great”, as you put it.

no, he wants a mega german tree

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German Subtree → Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Netherlands

Stop with all the coping.