Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Aim-9L/I I guess is their equivalent, I guess Aim-9M placeholders or Aim-9L/I with that addition

Are they not placeholders for AMRAAM and likely will get replaced soon? Besides. The US does have Aim-7, as you know, They make them. Very different situation for South africa that never imported them. Otherwise why not slap SkyFlash DF onto US Phantoms as the British Phantoms can carry them.

But I still do not see why they would add a ahistorically speculative Gripen over actual, real aircraft combos. Like Sea Harrier FA2.

Limited hardpoints, Subsonic. FRS1 now finsihed so easy copy and paste. Its easy time for Gaijin. I partially think the FRS1 we have is actually a modified FA2 that they created for the purpose of adding an SQV. Timeline wise it makes sense

Source that South African JAS 39C can use these missiles?

Because they literally can. It was proven many times that it was integrated with them and could use them.

South African Gripen on the other hand is proven to be integrated with IRIS-T and some A2G ordinance. There’s not an official source claiming they ever used or could use AIM-120 or AIM-9M.

I doubt we will get yet another Harrier and with no SAAF aircraft in sight the Gripen too.

I’m betting on another AP style update with the Typhoons and Hawks.

They aren’t placeholders.
Gaijin doesn’t use fake placeholders, they only ever use realistic loadouts.

Doesn’t matter that Israel didn’t buy them, only matters is if the aircraft can use them.

Gripen C manuals prove they can use AIM-9Ms and AMRAAMs.
Source that all Gripen Cs cannot use AIM-9s & AMRAAMs?

Sea Harrier FA2 + AV-8B+ is just a perfect test platform for Aim-120s Maybe even higher Aim-120. FRS1 and FA2 are literally the same airframe, just a different engine an d some different avionics. Its an easy add

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I’m aware of that.

British Phantoms were never integrated with Skyflash TEMP series. Just because missiles look similar doesn’t mean they’re interchangeable.

Skyflash DF and Skyflash Temp/SuperTemp are 3 different missiles

How does it change what I said

I mean we got what 6 Harries now I think Britain is in need of the Typhoons rather than another missile bus. Remember we are still using the Phantom

I absoutely agree. But that would mean giving Britain something competitive, maybe even meta and thats against ToS

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I think the aircrafts such as AV-8B+, Sea Harrier FA.2+, F-4F ICE, and JA 37D are excellent testbeds for the ARH era.

Yep. Off-setting clear disadvantages with ARH is a good way of creating balance.

Not sure why Swedish players want to lose one of the best 11.7s for a mediocre 12.3 where Gripen outshines it at the same BR…

hmm. Btw m8 if you keep this up your 102 comments away from over taking me lmao

Because Viggen + Amraam Vs F-16C with Aim-7 is very different to Gripen + AMRAAM vs F-16C + AMRAAM

Hehe. Challenge accepted

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I’m sorry? Did you say “one of the best 11.7s”?
Well… You’re free to think.

American F-16C/D =/= F-16D Block 40 Barak II

Swedish JAS 39C =/= South African JAS 39C

It would be like giving AIM-9M for F-4F because US F-4E, G or S could carry them.

Post it : D

This is a joke