My thing is it used CAPTOR M (mechanical radar) or CAPTOR E (aesa)?
Why should I demand anything? If they add it, that’s fine, if they don’t add it, to hell with it. I personally do not support the project with money) I don’t really care about Smin, just like he cares about me :)
I think the mechanical for a while
You said that yak 141 was in simmilar situation. That thing was already talked on the forum a few times and nothing went out of it. I missinterpreted your message like you wanted to go further with it.
I say, if the aircraft has weapons, even if it’s just a mock-up, it will still be added sooner or later. Example of the Yak-141, only in terms of avionics
That’s not how loadouts work.
Some royal navy heli would be cool!
Imagine they brought LMM to HVM and at the same time, gave the Wildcat with it’s x20 LMM loadout…
That is up to snail to decided. And situations are not the same as “Yak 141 would have these weapons if USSR would not break, while EAP was never intended to fit any real weapons” or something in these lines
I think the YAK141 reasoning was that it was pretty much entirely completed, and the technology was already there. think Ho-229. It’s a prototype that didn’t really see use but was all but finished
26.0 minimum plus broken damage model is the best i can do
On a serious note tho isnt the british heli tree one of if not THE smallest heli tree ingame?
The upgrades that allowed the Tornado F3 to recieve AMRAAM also included changes that allowed for the fitting of ASRAAM. I am unsure if the Tornado F3 CSP was compatible with Aim-9s after the changes and if ASRAAM and Aim-9 are interchangable on the rails.
If so. then the Tornado F3 CSP would be incompatible with Aim-9Ls or Aim-9Ms.
Best I can do is another Challenger 2 with a broken damage model
Cough cough IRST Cough cough sorry im sick lately
ASRAAM and AIM-9 use the same data lines if I remember right. See Jaguar GR.3A using both ASRAAM and AIM-9 loadouts.
I think what they mean though, is that Gaijin can just limit the loadouts if ASRAAM is deemed too OP
Man you broke the 6969 before i could screen it >:(
:C forgive me lmao
Ah thats fair then. But still. I love the whole:
“Britain didnt make anything good therefore they must suffer”
“so can we have our historically accurate loadouts for these “bad” aircraft then?”
“No they would be way too OP, that wouldnt be fair”
Just makes me laugh
The guy is just seething because he got proven wrong on the internet. Happens to everyone lol
Here y’go lol
Make me remember Gaijin telling us “there is not that much Heli to add to France” some times ago (wich is wrong BTW), then added 2 French heli to China that are not in the French TT.