Kings of Battle — Answering your questions from the dev server

This penetration value is highly unrealistic, given that it’s equivalent to the starstreak - a trifecta mach 2-3 APFSDS projectile at a higher weight - while having a definite lower weight and tumbling. Realistically it should probably be lowered to 5mm or so, so still damaging external elements of a vehicle and crew but not managing to match a genuine round that is not tumbling and has far higher density than the petals


Is there any plan to continue expand the BR above 10.0, the BR around 10.0 are crowded again since last BR change? I’d like to see current top tier ground vehicles raise their BR in accordance with the top tier aircrafts.


Further to this, I fear once again that stats are being used to “balance” the Phantoms. apart from the Phantom F.3 (premium UK Phantom, i refuse to call it whatever it is in game) there has been a visible reduction in number of players playing UK Phantoms that I can see. I fear that this aircraft won’t move in BR because there are simply not enough players playing it regularly to influence it’s statistics.
It may end up like the Hunter F.6, unloved and unplayed unless pre-emptive action is taken to increase its viability in Top Tier Air.


I would also like to know about naval progression changes.


" Q: With the recent BR changes, and other recent additions, several aircraft at 11.3 now have AIM-9L and/or Python 3. Have there been any reconsiderations for the British Phantoms to receive AIM-9L too?

A: We have looked into this based on feedback, however the British Phantoms already are well balanced in terms of their overall efficiency at their current Battle Rating given their current loadouts. Adding AIM-9L to these aircraft will naturally increase their effectiveness and thus likely drive their BR up to 11.7. Right now Britain currently has a total of 4 aircraft on Rank VII. An increase in BR to 11.7 will also lead to an increase in rank too. So there are numerous considerations to be made that currently means adding more advanced weaponry to them is not suitable at the moment. "

So gaijin not add AIM-9L on F-4J (UK) Phantom F.3 until introduced rank IX aircraft toptier & rank VIII aircraft premium in the future

I don’t mind gaijin add AIM-9L on F-4M Phantom FGR.2, up to 11.7 BR and mvoe to rank VIII in future major updates

" Q: Currently the MiG-29SMT has R-73 stock whereas the MiG-29G gets R-60MK as its only stock option. Will R-73 be added as a stock option for the G variant too?

A: Yes, we will remove the R-60MK from the MiG-29G, and it will have 2 x R-73 as a stock option loadout. "

I want gaijin consider 2x R-60M stock & R-73 replacement R-60 on MiG-29 (9-13) and increase BR to 12.3 this major update or next major update


Space Battleship Yamato when?

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The FGR.2 and FG.1 are already inferior to other Phantoms at 11.3. Since there are two, and they are functionally identical, why not give one of them Aim 9Ls to make them different. The FGR.2 should probably get them since the FG.1s were given to the RAF by the time Aim 9Ls were delivered.
Also the grind to get the missiles is an absolute chore, why on earth do you need to unlock bombs to access the missiles. No other top tier jet does this.


I really dislike these “Q and A” posts. They dont answer the questions most of the community is really asking and all the anwsers we could’ve easily infered on our own. Instead you should look at the main topics of discussion in the forums and have us vote on which questions we want answers to.


No naval questions? Unfortunate


All stingers currently represented in the game have both dual channel UV/IR, and have forward canards alongside the tailfins allowing a far higher moment of inertia than the presumptions that seem to have been used here. Frankly, the correct approach seems to be to add the redeye as a lower tier system and allow the stingers their full capability rather than reduce them to such a low level of performance that they frequently miss on ideal shots on unmaneuvering targets - this applying to all manpads. Just put them in the back of trucks as done by many paratroop divisions in militaries worldwide.


well their wasnt realy anything special naval that would need answer for this update was their?

I’m confused. As it can be seen in one of JustinPlays’ latest videos, the AH-1Z already has the HMS (the missile’s cage follows Justin’s cursor).
What’s stopping the Devs from adding it to the Tigers and Rooivak ? Are the Devs “still reviewing the sources submitted” ?
It is quite literally a single line of script away.

could you add dm63 to the marder A1- aswell? It’s really stupid that 5.3 vehicles have it but not the 7.7 br marder


I suppose that is true. But its their fault for ignoring the mode again.

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do they? last update was a whole france tree, they started a series of new premium ships were they are releasing 2 new ships per update, as far as i am concerned the big ships just seem like more modelling work then smaller tanks or plains, if you want quality work, which explains slower speed for naval

All of these questions come directly from the feedback on the current major update. Dev server chnage logs, main discussion topics, social media comments and content creators. They are not focused on game wide questions, but spesifcally about the current major update.


only thing i propably would complain about is the chinese playerbase asking about the addition of that one missle for the coming chinese striker, seems to be a pretty big matter to them

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I think the talk is not about giving the Rooivalk and tigers the TopOwl HMS, but giving them plus the AH1Z the HMD part of the HMSD, meaning that they add a similar HUD as the one seen on the F16C on the dev server. I do hop and think that they will all have the HMS, meaning that you can slave the missiles to where you are looking

Will the Rooivalk also get its cockpit model updated and IHADSS HMD be added ?

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Why? When we could have the Hungarian Nimrod SPAA fill that gap ? And the Leo 40/70 could be at an accurate BR with its HE-VT

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