Kill system in War Thunder is completely broken

I hate the matter that every mode in War Thunder works/feels differently and doesn’t bring similar satisfaction.
Tank has fair kill/assist system.
Air has different notifications based on damage given.
But particularly for Navy, I just hate it.
You do 90% of damage and nothing. Sometimes It goes down to 1% and gets stuck even after hammering multiple times, but out of no where one shell (from other ship) comes down and takes the kill. How absurd that is?
There is no satisfaction watching a ship dead without giving you assist or anything for so much damage you delivered.
Also the system is very much confusing. What does a kill and what doesn’t, it’s very much unclear.
I think many of us would agree with this problem. Also the aiming system abysmal. There should be a better aiming system.
I hope to see a complete overhaul in recent future, or I am leaving completely from this game.

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It looks like you only have 328 naval battles and 325 of those are in destroyers.

We probably shouldn’t “completely overhaul” the game mode just for an experience issue. Although you may get your wish in the next patch, since they have severely dumbed down naval arcade mode.

What you are experiencing when a ship is at 1% crew and you can’t seem to kill it, is that you aren’t firing at the right spot. Check the ships in preview mode, and you will see the crew layouts. If you aren’t hitting an area that still has crew members, you won’t ever kill that last 1%.

However, once a ship gets below 10% crew (or more depending on crew skills), it will start to sink and there is nothing that the player can do to stop that. What is happening is that other players are getting lucky with the last hit as it is sinking or they are hitting the right spot with the remaining crew.

You’ll get credit for all the damage you do to the ship, but it may not be reflected as a “kill.” It’s not a perfect system, but unless you need kills/assists for a task, it shouldn’t matter.

If you want to kill a ship through catastrophic damage, it requires you to blow up the magazine(s). That’s just a matter of knowing where to aim and which shells to use.

What specific issues are you having with aiming? It takes more practice than air or ground, and a better tutorial would help, but maybe I can answer some questions.

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I can feel the pain of the OP. Not scoring a kill, even if there is no downside in terms of points or farmed RP or SL, is a little bit frustrating after all the efforts made. Maybe, introducing in Naval a sort of “severe damage” mechanism, as in air, would help avoiding such frustration.


I certainly think a “severe damage” mechanic for shared kills would be a good idea. Maybe if Gaijin stops hating naval players, we can get something like that.

Been advocating that for Naval since severe damage came out. So certainly agree!

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