Ki-51 sonia japanese Sturmovik



what could be done is: add a modification to “unlock” the better guns like the first Ki-43 (IDK if there’s any diference in performance between the early or late production, if it exist so just add the late variant)

How do y’all right these suggestions out i struggle with them. Also +1!

It’s hard to say, it just works out that way.

Japan really need all the “Attackers/strike aircraft” they can get. I think atleast low/mid- tier wise, they only have one. Big +1!


Did you ever suggest the Kyushu K11W, Mitsubishi Ki-1 “Type-93 Heavy Bomber”, Northrop Gamma or the Tachikawa KI-94-I?

The Ki-94-I will definitely not appear. The rest is a matter of time. I currently have over 80 planes on my suggestion list for Japan, so you’ll have to wait.

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That was a yes or no question. Besides that you never know.

I haven’t suggested it yet. Maybe soon

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a picture of a boy with his arms in the air with the words banzai hurray behind him