Khrizantema missile control has been RUINED by Gaigin

You changed the Khrizantema, now the missile oscillates around the direction control point when leaving the launcher, repeatedly crashing into the ground or simply avoiding the target. The difficulty of playing that fun tank has been increased thanks to a change NO ONE asked for.


your coming back after long time arent you?
this has been the change since so long ago ever since they put all SACLOS missiles to the new physics.
only beam riding missiles stay with the same old physics


Gaijin simply has something against missiles, despite them being generally some of the worst weapons in ground combat. The only good thing about the “new” missile physics is that it affects the cancerous SACLOS spam helicopters more than other vehicles

I totally AGREE this vehicle now can’t really kill anything the missile falls on the ground.

I’m not a big fan of new atgm physics

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All atgms and sam’s are significantly worse now.


You know the funny part is, that there is literal videos of the Khrizantema firing and the rocket starting in half a second out of the tube, it was fine like it was before but they just have to ruin it. It’s already bad enough the sight is apart of the hull

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The Khrizantema was my favorite to play, even at top tier when it was 9.3 – it was always with my lineups. Now its getting the boot as its nearly unplayable and lost all its fun to play.

If you don’t preemptively aim higher after firing then the ATGM will hit the ground. Aiming higher will obviously require you to immediately overcorrect to compensate for the intended trajectory. The missile then starts oscillating up an down and will usually end up missing an even unmoving target by flying over it.

I am not sure how Gaijin saw this fix as needed but his change will take Gaijin years to correct as it took them to fix the VT1’s.