Ka-chi bugs

Firstly its performance/physics in water which is just wrong - it might be the case for all amphibious tanks ever since the water was changed not sure tho. It just tilts back and forth with physics closer to wooden board rather than the 30 ton tank it is. Making aiming from water pretty much impossible even with stabilizer it has. Denying it its purpose of amphibious tank. I think this is a more recent issue since water physics wasn’t this silly like a year ago. Which makes even lakes and rivers such as in Poland map or European province map feel like open sea in storm.

Then its hatch in its pontoon form. Which is somehow a weak spot for HEAT and HE shells that overpressures the whole tank for some reason even tho its not even connected inside with rest of the tank as there is another trapdoor/roof under it.

Spoiler - Images of turret with pantoons and without them


As can be seen in the test 75 mm HEAT from German Panzer IV to the middle of the hatch is enough to overpressure the whole crew somehow.

Even though in the shrapnel trajectory it is clear that the shrapnel after HEAT detonation is catched by the roof of the tank and rest just continues forward. The crew just dies anyway. -I would understand this happening to smaller tanks that have their hatches connected to the tank with everything closer to the crew but this does not make any sense. Even if it was connected there’s no way the HEAT would kill more than the turret crew if any at all.

Other similar size tanks do not suffer from this issue even tho their hatches are connected to the rest of the tank.

Spoiler - Other big tanks turret hatch HEAT shots pics


Have it, never took it for a swim, zero need IMHO.

Its not really worth going for swim for now. Swiming only works in European province from all the ground maps I checked since it has calm water (not even lake in Poland has calm water for some reason). In every other map it just floats like wooden board. 4 years ago there was no issue in water. I dont mind that waves were added in warthunder for naval maps and stuff but then they gotta fix the floating physic for amphibious tanks then. Also found reports for other amphibious tanks in wt bug report so it really is an issue for all amphibious tanks.