Ka-52K (Korea) : Alligator’s hidden cousin

While russia does not need it, it should ONLY go to russia if at all implemented. It was never adopted by SK nor was it really deemed for adoption into the SKAF.

Plus as OP states, it was later stripped of all western equipment and remains Russian property. Even sporting russian colors and flags. hence +1 for russia only but id rather not see it

This combat the Russian counterpart

Which one ?
GIAT (manufacturer) made 2 models of 20mm : the M621 (20x102) and the M693 (20x113)

The turret seems to be a THL-20 ( the traverse and elevation values seems to fit THL-20) so it would mean M621 gun with 20x102 ammunition

-1. Uhhh, Korea doesn’t even operate it though? But if it were a Egyptian Ka-52, but that still doesn’t make sense.
