K2NO Black Panther

True, though with Finland’s top tank already in game and Sweden having just the 123A, as top vehicles continue to progress in the next couple years I’d bet we see something like this as TT.

where? ;)
They were answering some questions in a yt video once, where they among other thing said denmark/norway were eventually to be implemented as subtrees under sweden, and the techtree’s name would remain “sweden”

in that case it would be the introduced /ordered 2a8, but not this one

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Still, it has recieved some unique modifications :) a lot of them in-game already

I’m assuming that 700mm at is 60 degrees as that’s NATO standard. DM53 has close to 350mm penetration at 2km (700mm LoS) so they’re similar.

I thought it had 6s like the Leclerc, at least that’s what I’ve seen from videos

u remember that one wrong lol, the youtube question thing was asking for more scanidavian nations in the swedish tree yes. The answer was that gajin is adding finland as a sub tree and norway vehicles can be found as premiums. Denmark wasnt even mentioned at all

Yo, so sweden is getting the leopards of sweden, finland and norway?

Give germany all other export vehicles (Leopard 2sg, leopard 2t1, Leopard 2a4m can, leopard 2e etc.)

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It 60 degree at 2km yes

Were not talking about the same video i believe, becasue they were talking about sigtrees etc ;)
Denmark was mentioned, although they used the wrong name “dutch” instead of Denmark, common mistake but quite strange haha

exact same discussion already happend and i proved u wrong, you were still not able to show any proof

I said that i was unsure if i were able to find the video again, i’ll check again if i find it but it is quite a while ago they posted it :)

and here again your own source


When was this? Was this before Finland was introduced or after?

the same video says how they are adding finland to enlarge the roster, so right before finland

i dont remember lol xd

@TyTheGuy27 https://youtu.be/2GPyb0U-29c?t=1720
here the video for you

Well, they didn’t say anything about not adding subtrees and they also didn’t say anything about them only being added as premium or event ;)

moreover, quite a lot has happened in the last two years, a lot has and can change

They say that Finland doesn’t have many modified vehicles etc. itself, but they still have a lot, a lot that still remains to be unearthed ;)

again literaly what they are saying.

As it stands the current point is denmark is not part of the sweden tree and should not be,
Norway currently is restricted to event and premium only.
Might it change ?
Maybe, but sweden does not need strv123a, leoaprd 2a8 and 2 different K2 black panther variants. Specialy when Korea propably gets added into the game way earlier and rejected trialed vehicles go into their own nations tree

You can say what you want but currently i am right with all my points

They “think” that is not a statement tough hehe

never know what’s going to happen in the future ;)

If not in the swedish, where and why?

Vehicles that has, both been bought and many modified, and modified for trials, still does add a value to the tree, why don’t they need it?