K2 Black Panther


Plz, do not use red, its only for Mods.

Ah sorry, didn’t know that
but what does red text even mean?
thought it was just coloring

I don’t know why so many players want to sub-tree…
If it doesn’t eliminate the debate forever, I don’t think it should be sub-treated.

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I very much want it for its own tree, like China, the early tiers may be C&P but afterwards theres a good deal of domestic and heavily modified vehicles across North and South Korea.


United Korea, S.Korea or Poland would be the only countries which can get K2.

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Open mind! That’s a good thing.

So look for Japanese vehicles made with Japanese technology to fill the gap of the Japan TT. Stealing technologically unrelated random vehicles to fill the ‘Tech’ Tree is not an option. Just as no one would argue that Algeria’s T-90s, Su-30s and Pantsirs should be added to the French TT to fill the gap in the French TT.


I too would very much like our own tree.
I think it would be preferable to start with rank IV like Israel.
It would be good to combine it with North Korea to increase the number of vehicles.
Both Korea and North Korea have many interesting vehicles and it would be very sad to see more vehicles omitted by sub-treeing.


I think Korea should be allowed to start with North Korean T-34-85’s and British Centurions and Cromwells, US Pershings etcetera.


I think that vehicles officially provided by the US and other countries to the ROK military could be incorporated into the tree.

Too many C&Ps is a problem, but I think it would be healthier to create our own tree rather than forcing countries with little historical contact with each other to merge for the sake of matching numbers.


The North Koreans had their own T-34-85’s whereas the US and British tanks were still part of their armed forces but still used alingside the south during the Korean war. Which is why I think it would be acceptable to use them as a basis for the tree.

Unfortunately South Korea never officially received these tanks and all were returned at the end of the war.

A higher starting rank like Israel would work though. So long as there is a Korean tree as a Subtree would not be doing it justice.


I would never forgive them if they tried to sub-tree the tree of a promising nation like Korea.


@_David_Bowie The frontal Los is around 780 information from the guy take picture from poland, here’s more image


And that’s even the thickest part of the front Los, so the front KE should be around 500-600 at most.

I measured different points from the photo taken in Poland.

Polish photo is good, but it does not take into account some parts.

Just add a Polish variant if yall really want it now

I agree.
I think South Korea and North Korea each have enough vehicles to form a tree like the Israeli tree.

Or one idea might be to merge South Korea and North Korea to form a South Korean tree.

But it would be disrespectful to them to implement each country as a sub-tree of the US, USSR, China, etc. just because we don’t want to research copy and paste vehicles.


I am very interested in the performance and appearance of these vehicles from South and North Korea.
I don’t want to see interesting vehicles disappear into the darkness with sub-treeing.
I would like to see independent trees, even if there is copy and paste.

As a country in the Asian region, we would like to see our vehicles play an active role in the WarThunder world.


As there were serveral discussions about why your idea cannot happen, go to the united korea TT thread and read it.

Force occupation can’t be a reason to put a country together.
Seems like you missed your history class🤔


They cant fathom the idea that Korea is to France’s Algeria.

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