Some time ago I noticed, whenever I want to use T-4-1 or open the multifunction menu my joustick stop responding.
Any Idea why is this happening? I’m using Thrustmaster T.16000M
I wouln’t be surprised if this happens in other modes… Maybe fire up an RB match to test it.
Could be a reportable bug like my shift conflict with all the wsdqb keys where if you hold shift, the controls overlap to some other lot making you fly straight when you use them in combo.
No holding throttle down whilst pulling moves, as it’s doing things with chaff and flares when you don’t even have them.
I’m watching some youtuber but his joystick works fine with the menu opened.
If this is a bug, then I’ll not make any report. I’ll be waiting for the fix for years anyway :(
Just be mindful… Some people encounter the issues, then just debind things to make them work, which isn’t wise…
Whilst it fixes it for you this one time, others will face it.
I had people tell me the solution to my control issue is to debind the entire collection of controls to make them not conflict, but that doesn’t help new players who use default controls having this happen to them.