JH7A with new AAM and AGM

The problem of China’s lack of top CAS has lasted for a long time, and now that various advanced AGMs have been popularized, the best AGM for Chinese CAS is still the 2KH29T on the JH7A or the 6AGM65B on the F-16A, and both aircraft have no BVR capability.

There is actually a simple solution to this problem: JH7A2. As a slightly improved version of the JH7A, the JH7A2 looks exactly the same as the JH7A, and just ctrl+c & ctrl+v can give China a new CAS.

These new AAM and AGM can be added to JH7A2:
C704 series AGM (added with model only in near update)
PL12/PL8B/PL5EII AAM (already exist in game)
With the addition of these missiles, the JH7A2 will have the following mount: 4×C704+2×PL12+2×PL5EII

  • Add JH7A2 with advanced AAM & AGM
  • Add new AAM & AGM to the existing JH7A and increase its BR
0 voters

Another option “Add new AGM only for JH7A, increase its ground BR and keep air BR” has been added in comments section


JH-7A should retain its existing AAMs, I prefer it at 12.3 in air RB.
AGMs should be as accurate as possible.

The issue of JH7A can carry C704 AGM has been accepted: Community Bug Reporting System

While the issue of adding PL12 to the JH7A has not yet been passed, as PL12 exists only as an experimental mount on the JH7A. However, considering the improvement of BR after adding advanced AGM, it is also possible to add PL12 to JH7A2 like adding experimental GB250 to J11B

In fact, in this image you can see both the C704KD mounted on the JH7A and the PL12 placed in front of it


I will add this option later

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Unfortunately, the voting content can no longer be changed, so I add a single option here:

  • Add new AGM onlty for JH7A, increase its ground BR and keep air BR
0 voters
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It is not PL-12. LD-10

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Although it is indeed very likely to be LD10, you cannot rule out the possibility that it is PL12, can you

As a top tier 12.+ attack aircraft, the JF17 urgently needs the C704 more than the JH7A
Actually, I would prefer JF17 to obtain C704 and upgrade it to 12.7, to be used in conjunction with 99A J11B and others. If JF17 can obtain C704, it is obviously more suitable to keep JH7A at 11.7 and cooperate with VT5 J8F Z10. If both attack planes acquire C704 and Fox3, the responsibilities would be somewhat redundant

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LD-10 is an anti-radiation seeker on a Pl-12 body. If it can equip and fire the LD-10, it can equip and fire the Pl-12. The JH-7E has even been advertised as capable, albeit we never got to see one since nobody exported it.

Why you think it works? I mean… For LD-10 you need to transfer data between RWR/ECM(ELINT) pod and missile, maybe also give coordinates if it have GPS. For ARH you need launch and if you want to update target information also you need datalink module.

Also, for some reason, I often see a LD-10 near JH-7 on Airshows, but PL-12 never.

Anyway, if they’ll add PL-12 to JH-7A it will be not useful in GRB I think.

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If possible, I prefer not to change the existing jh7 and give something like a jh7(late) no premium

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True dude,China do need something to be a real top CAS but not that CAS monster(as we all know) game again and again .
If a brand new CAS was not allowed, why aint just give us that “almost had one”?


So nobody cares about the Swe and Ger? Not only Chi lacks top tier attackers. For JH-7, it will be great to get a JH-7A2 like Su-34, which has enough top tier missles.

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JL-10A can guide it the missile, it is missing it’s air, ground, and sea TWS mode in game.

They don’t show it with it because it is not an air superiority fighter, it is a fighter bomber and equipping PL-12’s takes up pylons that would be used for ground ordnance. Can they equip it, yes, will they ever? No. They would never send the JH-7A’s into a conflict with Pl-12’s, that’s why they have dedicated fighters to clear a way for it. IR missiles are common on it since they do not take pylons typically used for ground strikes.

The JH-7A2 is an electronic upgrade to the JH-7A, so PL12 can be used. But I can’t say that my sources are credible enough that you can take that as my opinion.

Honestly, you don’t need to prove anything to me. It needs to be proven in CBR. About JH-7A2, I only know about the use of JSOW-like bombs and the new ALCM (next gen KD-88A?).

This is a post about the Chinese lacking. Start your own post if you want to discuss about lacking of Sweden or Germany.


Seeing as this is a thread about a particular plane that’s not in Sweden or Germany I don’t see how that’s relevant

current is fine to me too, except maybe lower br in ARB would be better, it suffered 2 br decompression, and its br is a bit too high to me, same as F-16

It won’t. You can refer to this photo. Appeared on the Internet earlier than LD10