JASDF General Discussion

Pretty sure it’s the same as before.

EDIT: Okay so apparently there were some changes made, I don’t know with what though.

looks the new fox-3 test no japan in it, what will f16aj and f15j get? aam4 and aam5 ?

Neither are able to use said missiles. For AMRAAM* and AAM-4 we will need MSIP F-15J or F-2.


Was looking at the changelog for the dev server and saw that J6K1, J7W1, N1K1/2 and A7Ms alongside with a bunch other planes have gotten automatic flap adjustment that depends on speed.
No idea how that will affect them but overall seems to be a pretty nice addition.


wow really? Does it just go into combat flaps automatically? Honestly I thought manual control was much better

Got it, F-2 confirmed next update.




Haven’t given it a try yet so can’t say how it works but i would guess its will change to combat flaps etc depending on your speed.

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From what I can see all it does is automatically retract so that they don’t break, similar to the F-15J, tested on J7W1.

Edit: You can leave the flaps on Takeoff or Landing and depending on your speed it will automatically switch to Combat or Raised, or go back to Takeoff or Landing if you become slow enough. You won’t get an indicator for this, but you can see it happen.

J7 still sucks btw.


I usually put my combat flaps to their breaking limit, this may be good

Gotcha, still seems to be a pretty neat feature.

Yes and no.

You set the flaps to combat, takeoff or landing, they go out to the setting you have when you are slow enough. They automatically move in when you go faster. This can be really useful in dogfights, where they always give you the farthest setting thay can at the current speed (at least up to the point you set by selecting the setting)

You can still put them in normally too.

This was already on the F-15 I think, but just to check I tested on the N1K2 just now.

(I should start reading before I reply, it was already answered…)


so just like with the F16AJ, were gonna be behind all the nations by a patch and once its standard to be stomped for over a patch, then japan will get it. gotcha

Well if the F-15C MSIP shows up next update, then we’ll get the F-15J MSIP as well and along with it either AIM-120Bs or AAM-4As. I doubt we’d see the F-2 with AAM-4A because they’d have to figure out how to balance AESA and ARHs. Most likely F-2 either updates between December or on December.

That being said, the devblog for ARHs did say they’ll be adding them to all nations at once, so we won’t be left behind.


Good news, thanks to the new replay feature; AAM-3 can indeed pull its Gs.


i think it’s pull almost 40G a few second after it left the rail, after that it not much different from AIM-9M. that’s my opinion and what i feel though, because there’s a few instance where i launch it and it pull hard for a few sec but not as hard when it pull the other way.

I’m curious if the AAM-3 was touched but I guess we’ll see after dev server datamines. The test last dev server showing both AAM-3 and AIM-9M pulling virtually the same throughout the entire flight seems different than here if it’s pulling 38 Gs. Could also mean the AIM-9M is also pulling those Gs and nobody tested them.

Also, the lower drag from the AAM-3 is very noticeable, allowing you to launch from much further ranges and hit opponents from 7-9 kms out (long after the missile burns out, for air RB with danger diamonds).

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The AAM-3 pulled the 37.8G not off rail, said Gs were reached 5.2 seconds after launch, as seen on the Screenshot. It seems to require centrain speed to reach more than 30G, that being Mach 1.5 as far as I can tell so far.


hmm… i guess they change something on dev server.
i’m not really a techies but there’s a couple time where i launch AAM-3 from top right of my enemy 1km(ish) front aspect, it went almost 45° from where i launch it and where the enemy jet is. after that initial turn if the enemy goes another side it’s just pull similar to AIM-9L/M.

not really a good indication but hey, at least it now can pull almost 40G ╰(°▽°)╯.

i rarely play ARB nowdays (well i never touch it again after i got the AAM-3 and 1000lbs for F-15)
so you can be sure i never see any missile coming for me if it’s AIM-9M or AAM-3, but yeah it really surprising how far it can reach.

honestly this seems pretty reasonable when you consider it doesn’t have dual plane maneuvering being able to nearly pull 40G in a single plane

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