JASDF General Discussion

Is there a proposal to use the ASW choppers in service with the JSDF already? I just wish we had more choppers. and those ASW choppers can bring ATGMs as well.

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There are such proposals, but this ASW helicopters are limited to about 4 Hellfire missiles. All you can take in addition is a 7.62 minigun. In addition, they are armed with Hellfires with a high-explosive warhead which, among other things, should be more than enough to to destroy a tank from the upper hemisphere.

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Are there any proposals for ASW aircraft? The Kawasaki P2J Orion can bring some bombs and rockets iirc. Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon can be a good late-war bomber for Japan. Shinmaywa PS-1 can bring Zuni rockets as well but no defensive weaponry, could be a good gimmick that would drop depth charges instead of bombs lol.

Lockheed P3 Orion can bring a lot of ATGMS as well as the Kawasaki P1 but it might be too modern as of the time being.


Wait, which chopper is the one that carries 4x hellfires? That will be an easy 10.3 since most helis with hellfires start there.




Plus, the helicopter carries on board quite a lot of systems that can significantly facilitate the game - ISAR radar, FLIR, MAWS, flares, etc.
Anticipating objections that he allegedly carried 2, not 4 Hellfires.


In all the photographs you can actually see the mount for 2 ATGMs, but this was not done due to technical impossibility. It is officially stated that this helicopter is capable of carrying all 4 ATGMs (exactly like its American “colleagues”), however, the mount for 2 ATGMs is widely used due to the fact that the mount for 4 Hellfires was located quite low, which led to damage to the mounts if not carefully landing, or heavy seas. No one deprived him of the opportunity to carry all 4 ATGMs.


There are, but they all present a huge dilemma for balance and missing mechanics, and therefore their introduction will probably be significantly delayed.

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Apparently the Vulcan uses apds. Does the ap round in the Vulcan represent the apds or is this a missing round

The vulcan APDS isn’t really used in planes, it’s main use is for CIWS. You;'d have to find specific information on the APDS rounds being used on Japanese aircraft

APDS are prohibited for use in aviation due to the risk of the detachable projectile tray entering the engine. Within the game, this rule also applies, with the exception of the Ka-50/Ka-52, but we all understand that only a certain branch is allowed to receive not very reliable characteristics.



Just here to revive the interest to the Fuji T-1 aircraft and its proposals. Problem is though that weapons being mounted are hard to find but since it is based from the Sabre, its not unlikely that it cannot carry weapons especially as it had mountings for training armaments.




There was a picture posted in this forum (where exactly, I forget…) that showed a graph of the temperature range that the GCS-1s seek - it eliminates burning wrecks (due to being too hot) and can track both ships and tanks. So gaijin is wrong there.






That one exactly!

Is it real from GCS seeker? Because I remember it was from presentation about thermal sight or something like that

Well, it doesn’t HAVE to be on the GCS-1 specifically - it shows that both ships and tanks have a similar IR signature, and as the GCS-1 was used for smaller boats/landing crafts and the likes, the GCS-1 could therefore track a ground vehicle.

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The picture shows the wavelengths emitted by objects depending on their temperature. This parameter does not depend on the type of finder; on the contrary, the finder adapts to the wavelength range of the intended target.

It would be easier if it was the picture from presentation about GCS-1 of course…

I’d love to see a lot of information we don’t have, but we simply have to make do with what we have.

This is fundamental. If the person in charge is not aware of this, then I am not sure that he is qualified for his position.

apperantly the F-15J has a new cockpit?

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